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Imbunatatirea calitatii educatiei in Scoala Gimnaziala Lunca, Pascani prin profesionalizarea internationala a personalului
Start date: Sep 10, 2014, End date: Sep 9, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Gymnasium School Lunca Pascani has improved the quality and the services offered in terms of the institution internalization and it has reached the following objectives: reducing early school leaving, improving the methods and the approaches of the instructive educational process in order to ensure the success of all students and for reducing aggressive behavior, developing the specific competences of the 21st century at teachers and students, the personal development of teachers, improving the linquistic skills, increasing the awareness and understanding of diversity, stimulation and optimization of the curriculum elements with international orientation, applying for Erasmus+ program, connecting the projects with the curriculum, responsible and efficient approach for tomorrow education. The school board proposed 28 persons for participation at 10 training courses: •Cooperative Learning Classroom: Stimulating Creativity and Improving Teaching and Communication Skills, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, 5 days, 2 pers, in place of Madrid, Spania and •Enhancing Students’ Motivation through Inquiry – Based Learning, Milano, Italia, 10 days, 3 pers- NGO -; •Learning Mathematics through new communication factors, Greece, 5 days, 2 pers, European Office of Cyprus- •How to make your school more international, Spain, planned in 5 days made in 7 days, 2 pers, Euneos- •Bullying Prevention in Schools- resources for schools and teachers, Netherlands, 5 days, 2 pers, Bulgarian Centre for Lifelong Learning- •How to motivate students to finalize their compulsory education. Innovative teaching and learning methods for reducing early school leaving in a lifelong learning society, Netherlands, 7 days, 4 pers and •Creativity and innovation in teaching and training & How to use music, art, ICT and sport in education, Malta, 7 days, 5 per, Quarter Mediation- •Education for Tomorrow: Linking Creative Learning with Interdisciplinary Approach, Barcelona, Spania in place of Ljubjana, Slovenia, 5 days, 2 pers– NGO-, in place of EECHOUT CENTRUM, ErasmusPlus-InServiceTraining-; •Usages pédagogiques et ressources du numérique dans les projets scolaires de coopération européenne, France, 10 days, 3 pers, Ligue de l’enseignement- •Innovative approaches to teaching, Czech Republic, 10 days, 3 pers, ITC-INTERNATIONAL- The methods we used are: documentation, Erasmus+ applicant study guide, the identification of the institution’s needs through SWOT analysis, observation, questionnaires, testing, identification and the selection of the offered training, the team selection, the communication inside the institution and with the training providers. The courses participants have had: the linquistic competences of the training language, according to the European Language Passport-B2 level for listening, reading, conversation, oral discourse, B1 for writing; availability to share their own experience and to exchange of good practice examples, cooperation in an international frame; the promotion of diversity, equal opportunities, the absence of discrimination; respectable representation of the school/ country; a good recommendation of the working group where he/she worked; good computer skills; pedagogical training; motivating the need of school training; available commitments for courses participation; a realistic dissemination plan; that was applied with deadlines, and a final report was completed at the end of the course, signing the contractual commitments related to the training, participation, dissemination, evaluation, budget. The impact: the motivation and professional quality has increased, the participants compared“the well known” with “the different” learning from each other in an international environment, they experienced the opportunity to break the barriers between different cultures, they increased the European dimension, they did some succesful classes centred on the student’s need,it has increased the school fame,and it has increased the parents trust in our school services. As a result we have done: 10 sets of the good practice guides in electronic and on paper format, a methodical corner with materials from the courses, contacts with the didactic and local community on-line and face to face, a site with the project activities, a panel with Erasmus+ mobility, brochures/pliant/CDs for promotion, press conferences, promotion on eTwinning. On a long term we are promoting the European values in education connecting the Romanian educational system to the European educational system theorized; we are connecting to the real needs of the educated ones, we are assimilating and implementing some educational concepts and we are in contact with the society evolution.

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