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IES Asta Regia "Sharing Europe"II
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES Asta Regia is a high school established in 1979 and currently it is a ICT and bilingual school. It was the second school in Jerez de la Frontera to offer A-levels training (then BUP and COU). Currently the school offers seconday education and A-levels on Science and Technology as well as on Social Sciences. It also offers initial and higher VET courses: Baking, Dependent Care Provider and Teaching.This project comprises mobilities for students (11)and staff(5). There will be 6 mobilities for initial VET students of Dependent Care Providing, that will undertake their mobilities in England, Italy and Ireland and 5 mobilities for initial VET students of Baking that will undertake their placement in Italy. The staff will undertake a Job-Shadowing period in different schools. All four members of staff are specialised in care providing and education. Another member of staff specialised in Baking will undertake his two week placement in Italy.In order to carry out this project the school has intermediary organisations in each country that will coordinate the placements and will be responsible for finding companies and accommodation, supervise the participants and manage all documentation.The expected learning outcomes for the students are:1. To make use of techniques and competences in his/her professional field2. To adapt to a different laboral environment3. To organize daily work in a responsible way4. Effective communication5.Being proactiveThe learning outcomes for the staff are:- Improving linguistic competence-To make working networks- To learn new teaching and didactic skills.

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