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Identity : tutor

Project context : the hotel & catering sector :The hotel & catering sector presents several strong characteristics all over Europe : - on one hand, it is a very dynamic field, that employs many people, with growing labour needs ;- on the other hand, an important turn-over is identified in this sector, with difficulties to recruit and to keep people in their jobs.These difficulties can be attributed to different factors, such as :- working conditions (working hours, wages, etc.)- the fact that working in this sector is not always a choice, but often simply an opportunity to get a job- etc.These observations all lead to the conclusion that vocational training and insertion measures on the place of work are particularly important in this sector. It implies a training given partly on the work place, with a tutor. It therefore underlines the importance of the tutorship, which combines practical training and “reception / integration” practices.Yet, today, the tutorship is not used, nor valorised enough to play its full role in this sector. It is even often seen as negative (“more work to do and that’s it”, “it takes time”).Thus, in one of the sector which most strongly needs structured and well thought out methods of tutoring, this practice still appears as neglected and under-used.This is the reason why we think it necessary to undertake a project in order to provide the European hotel & catering sector with a tutor competences referential, and tutors’ oriented activities.Project objectives :Regarding this background, the objective of the project is to provide adapted tools for a tutorship of better quality in the hotel & catering sector, which should contributes to :ü An added-value to the vocational training and an improved synergy between the actors of the sector ;ü A better and easier transmission of the practical knowledgeü Employment stabilityInnovation to be transferred :Within the frame of the 2007-2013 European plan, the concept of Leonardo projects has evolved. 95% of the “multilateral projects” (ex-“pilot projects”) will include a transfer of innovation. This means that the partnership has to identify something innovative (a tool, a method, a training, a concept, etc.) and to transfer it in another context (new countries, new sector, new target group, etc.).A previous Léonardo project had identified similar characteristics and needs in the building sector. It then developed a methodology for the creation of a “tutor competences and activities referential” and different tools aiming to valorise the tutor’s activities.We plan to transfer these methodology and products into the hotel & catering sector.

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