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IDEAL - Integrating Digital Education in Adult Literacy
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IDEAL - Integrationg Digital Education in Adult Literacy project aims to provide guidance and training for teacher and trainers across Europe how to use ICT tools and digital methods to deliver basic skills education. The project will develop an integrative approach in collecting, sharing and disseminating best practices focused on the use of ICT. The project team have members from six different countries: Finland, Ireland, Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands and Italy. Five of the organizations are adult education providers and one partner is NGO. The project aims to arrange 2 teaching activities for 24 teachers. The definitions of skills needed in the 21st century include digital skills. Research results and relevant national background information concerning the target groups, such as the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) results, will be taken into account as a reference framework for the further development of the project. This makes a solid foundation for the relevance of our proposal, which focuses on sharing of pedagogical methods for teachers/trainers to work on these digital skills when teaching or training low skilled adult learners. The direct target group are teachers and trainers of adult basic skills and the indirect targetgroups include post-18 students (immigrants, early school leavers, unemployed people, disadvanteged groups, people with special needs and people with literacy and numeracy difficulties). The proposal outlines an innovative implementation structure incorporating a methodology of chain reaction also as a project implementation method across partnership target groups. The consortium will initially look into the needs of the direct and indirect target groups within their own organisations by developing a needs analysis based on an online survey and focus groups with teachers/trainers of low skilled adult learners. These low skilled adult learners will be interviewed to get a better idea of their skills and learning needs. Based on their own experiences with certain IT tools to teach/train numeracy and literacy skills, each partner organization will then develop pedagogical guidelines for teachers/trainers, taking into account they are teaching/training low skilled adult learners. After presenting and testing these guidelines during transnational meetings and teaching activities, partner organisations will test these guidelines out themselves. As each partner identified a different prior target group, the guidelines will be adapted based on the teaching experiences of teachers/trainers when teaching these different target groups. The intellectual oputputs developed within the project include an Online Toolkit with Context and Needs analysis, Good Practice Guidelines and Video tutorials. These output will be available online and integrated in the learning programs in the partner organizations.

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5 Partners Participants