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IDEA - an Innovative vocational training scheme for assessing the Driving ability of Elderly and disAbled

The IDEA project is a continuation of over 15 years of development work by the European thematic network, CONSENSUS, that seeks to raise standards and harmonise practice in the field of access to motoring for older and disabled persons. It concerns the training of engineers, medical doctors, physiotherapists and psychologists with a role in assessing the driving ability of this group.Following the benchmarking of training needs and opportunities across the partner countries, the project will develop two main products for driving ability 'assessment' personnel, namely training software (to familiarise users with the design and use of relevant ICT tools, including driving simulator scenarios and an ICT-related training curriculum, comprising specific courses for people with different expertise) and a continuing training module. End results will undergo both objective and subjective evaluation by experts and potential users.A marketing plan and exploitation scheme will follow and a further ethical handbook will be developed with Social Partners. A variety of dissemination channels and support will be used, with the CONSENSUS network providing access to hundreds of assessment centres and expert organisations Europe-wide.
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