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ICT ve Dil Tabanlı Sosyokültürel Sinerji
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Socio-cultural Synergy based on ICT & Language “Socio-cultural Synergy based on ICT & Language” project aims to implement social, artistic, sportive, cultural activities supported by ICT and English with a creative and innovative approach, enhance the quality of education, increase students’ achievements, and improve qualification of staff. Focusing on these areas, the main theme is to constitute socio-cultural synergy in our school. In our SWOT Analysis, it has been revealed that our staff has a lack of linguistic abilities despite the fact that they are experienced, young dynamic and enthusiastic, and also observed we have failed in using English in classes and integrate ICT and internet technology in curriculum effectively. In addition to this, has been released that social, cultural, sportive and artistic activities are not sufficient, and not able to contribute the education and they do not effect students’ achievements positively. These three courses including headmaster and seven teachers who have different branches were designed to be a remedy for our organization’s weaknesses and threats mentioned in SWOT. 1-) The course ( Better English For Teachers) in Exeter, UK: It will be theoretical and practical training including different linguistic skills and qualification for two weeks. Also it will provide to strengthen the language awareness for our staff and contribute to overcome the shortcomings of their English language. 2-) The course (Creativity in Teaching and Training & how to use music, ICT, art and sport in education) in Utrecht, Netherland: it will be effective in qualification for staff with pluralist approach to education. For two weeks, course will be touch on use of music, art, sport and computer with innovative practices in education. 3-) The course ( how to use web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning creativity) The Digital Course in Madrid, Spain: Our staff will receive training on how to use actively of web 2.0 tools and to transform curriculum with innovative education system. The project will be able to move a step forward to our organization in international area for new partnerships by preparing ground and by making practice what they have learned of our staff. The training without teacher-centered approach will provide the participants to have an example of application including interactive practical training methods. This language-training looking good degree of understanding and accurate, fluent in speaking, will lead to be high individuals, our staff, who have the ability to use language, who have motivation and confidence. Our organization will meet staff whatever the branches, with their students in various activity by making and living and with participants from different country by seeing lifestyle and education system in UK, and British culture. Our participant staff, who has different areas of expertise, will establish interdisciplinary coordination at school. This will provide to enhance the spirit of cooperation in our institution, except for unidirectional shallow perspective, allow the students to participate in more sporty and technological activities. It will transfer teamwork, interactive groups, and ideal similarities to digital classroom. On the other hand, it will build an innovative understanding of contemporary education in accordance with educational priorities of the Europe and modern world. Our goal is to ensure a willingness to participate in artistic, sportive, cultural entertaining activities of our students for improving their academic success, beside positive sciences like Turkish, and Mathematic. Also it will provide to use computer technology and internet tools effectively by integrating to courses in order to keep race with modern education system in Europe. If the ICT and internet tools with socio-cultural activities is transform to students; entertainment, permanent and effective learning will be realized more. On the ground of these purposes, students will have the facility to exhibit their products, to improve their capability with active participation. In pursuit of these objectives, for targeted level, there will be a series of activity before and after the course. Experience acquired in course of student-centered activities will be implemented making frequent meetings; we will have a successful project process.
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