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ICT for Adult Education in Fundacja Archipelag Innowacji Spolecznych
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Adult learning may help Europe out of the economic crisis, facilitate meeting the demand for new skills, and support the aging workforce. Nowadays, knowledge and skills acquired at school do not suffice until the end of a person’s professional life; yet in Europe, the participation of adults in learning is relatively low: 1.4-31.6% (2012), followed by stagnation. The future of the European labor market is going to be simultaneously associated with an aging population and limited groups of young people. As a result, adults—especially the elderly—are going to be more and more often called to update and broaden their knowledge and competences through lifelong learning. This increased need for lifelong learning means the need to develop more flexible ways of providing customized training offers and extra-formal and informal learning opportunities. The scope and effectiveness of this kind of learning may be increased through distant e-learning. In order to build a strong sector of adult education through e-learning, the member states should focus on the following: - developing and delivering quality to adult education providers through e-learning; - improving the quality of the teaching staff instructing adults—for instance, increasing the mobility of teachers, trainers, and other adult education workers; - intensifying the cooperation and partnership between all interested parties relevant to adult education; - civic attitude in the context of developing the ability to learn at the level of regions and local education centers. Improving the ICT-related skills of the staff is the first step in developing plans for the integration of specific ICT tools into staff training. The aim of these courses is to inspire instructors of adults to find new ways of engaging, motivating, and teaching adult learners. The general objectives of the project are as follows: - strengthening key competences and skills in the field of ICT and the effectiveness of adult learning in the region of Warmia and Masuria by means of increasing the possibilities of educational mobility for these people; - increasing favorable conditions for improved quality, innovation, and excellence at the level of college institutions—especially by strengthening transnational cooperation between education organizers; - supporting development and raising awareness of the European sector of lifelong learning—especially through increased cooperation in the field of politics and the promotion of good practices. Detailed objectives: - acquiring and developing new competences of teachers and other education workers, related to the needs of the applicant in the field of ICT; - creating a more modern, dynamic, and professional learning environment within the applying school; - readiness to include good practices and new methods in everyday activities; - planning the strategic professional development of its employees; - improving the ability of the applicant to organize activities on an international/European scale. For this reason, a training program and two seminars (55 hours each) taking place in Seville and focusing on the integration of ICT into school management and educational activities were prepared. In each seminar, seven employees of the Foundation AIS participated. Moreover, for a period of one month, the participants received remote assistance in the process of implementing their skills. At the end, they reported the benefits of and problems encountered while performing such tasks. The project influenced the Foundation AIS by means of: - developing long-term ICT strategies building a positive attitude toward information and communication technologies; - increasing the quality of the use of ICT in the preparation of teaching materials for lessons; - integrating ICT into the school curriculum; - the employees’ commitment to constant professional development in the field of ICT; - increasing the ability to work at the international and European level and improving management skills; - increasing the organization’s openness to synergies with other organizations operating in different areas of education. From the European perspective, the project positively influenced the following aspects: - improving the digital competences of the students and completing deficiencies in their IT skills; - broadening the scope of activities related to the promotion of awareness in the field of ICT integration in education; - increasing the interest in ICT of institutions (schools, digital companies, European training organizations, local and national agencies or bodies responsible for educational matters, etc.); - increasing the interest of citizens in social media in local communities. Long-term benefits of the project: the acquisition by the Foundation AIS of all basic ICT skills, so that it can launch effective ICT policies within the organization and begin to promote this path at the local and international level.
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