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ICT Cert - ICT training co-operation (ICT Cert )
Start date: Oct 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project aims at developing a system for providing the ICT assemblers or those intending to enter the sector with necessary qualifications and certificates in Finland and Estonia. From the requirements of qualification in the two countries a new curriculum and study materials be developed; qualification may be achieved also by passing the competence tests. Training is supported with a co-operation network, which enables sharing resources (e.g. teachers and equipment) between the participating institutes. Also possibilities for student exchange and on-the-job training in the neighbouring country will be opened.
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  • 58.1%   362 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Finland - Estonia (FI-EE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

5 Partners Participants