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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Newton High School is a polyvalent school with an enrolment of 1050 students located in Clichy-la-Garenne in the Hauts-de-Seine department.The vocational school, which has approximately 290 students, offers qualifications such as the Certificate of Vocational Aptitude (CAP) in electrotechnics , the Professional Bac in electrotechnics and in electronics The project of professional mobility addresses the present European Section in electronics. The educational team is established as follows:-Mr. Bonnette (the Headmaster)-Mr. Samba (the Administrator)-Mr. Esnee (the Head of the Professional Disciplines)-Mr. Bouhenic (the Not Linguistic Discipline teacher in electronics)-Mrs Smail (The French and English teacher)-Mrs Bernardino (the French and English teacher)This mobility has several objectives:It is at first the need for an opening on Europe, for a discovery of another culture through the lifestyle (food, transport, leisure activities) and of an economy in permanent transformation. It is the opportunity to build partnerships and thus to develop international relations.The pupils have then a more precise image of what Europe stands for, with a stronger feeling of membership. It is, in a way, an education to citizenship which allows an open-mindedness.Profits for the professional high school will be enormous. Our purpose is to create a dynamics and a synergy within the educational team which will be in of the European Section in electronics.This project allows us to create partnerships establishment / companies. Little by little, we create our network. We wish to direct more the mobility of our pupils in companies specialized in the restoration of multimedia devices intended for needy structures in poor countries. These internships are often of very good quality. The pupils are appreciated to their just value. Furthermore, the recycling and the reconditioning of the electronic objects is part of the reference table of their diplomas.The Newton high school is in partnership with the Center of International Exchanges (CIE) situated in London which will have for mission to accompany and to assist the pupils in the various phases of their mobility (accommodation, transport, internship follow-ups...). The places of internship will be essentially in the center of London.There is at the moment no European section in electronics in Paris and the surrounding area. This project, already existing since 2013, brings a bigger attractiveness to the professional sections of our high school.We wish to take 2 groups of 10 pupils in internship in London for April 2015 and April 2016. The stays will have a duration of 5 weeks in London ( a one-week cultural integration and a four-week training period).The period of internship will take place in April of their last year in the Professional high school. The pupils will thus have an objective view of the business world since they will have already experimented it in their past training periods. Four weeks is a sufficient duration to allow them to develop language and professional skills. They will have time to adapt themselves to another lifestyle, to another environment.In their return of internship, we shall estimate their progress through the display of various works (small presentations, description of plans, slides...) . They will have the opportunity to report profits acquired both in the linguistic field and the professional in the class. The purpose is to try and make them gradually interested in the mobility and thus, set up a dynamics among all the other pupils.We shall, afterwards, try to broadcast the results of our project in the internal as in the external.At the internal level of the high school: - distribution of information leaflets - announcement during events: Start of the school year in September; Newton High School Open Day- page of information on the site of the High school At the external level of the high school:- a ceremony of delivery of the Europass in the presence of the parents, the partners (the City hall, the Region and the Center of Resource Europe)-regular encounters with the journalist of "Clichy Mag", the local monthly magazine: an article about our project usually appears in the months of June/July. ( article about our 2013 mobility enclosed)
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