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IBT технологията-иновационен метод за усъвършенстване на експедитивното строителство
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Summary: Vocational School of Building Technologies Penio Penev- Plovdiv is the initiator of the project "IBT technology innovative method for improving the expeditious construction", in response to global trends in the construction business, especially in Europe, aimed at offering customers the best possible integrated construction building system that combines extremely well architectural, construction, anti-seismic, thermal insulation and zero-energy technology. IBT-technology (innovative building technology) in construction represents the advanced response to the need for economic balance of the building in the intensive planning and construction in order to achieve zero-energy consumption. The project corresponds with the strategic objectives of the strategy "Europe 2020" of the EU, the main and specific objectives of program 'Erasmus Plus ", including controlling and developing the knowledge, skills and competencies of beneficiaries as well as improving their employability and training throughout their life, with a view to acquire "new skills for new jobs" in accordance with the National Youth Strategy, Municipal Strategy for Development of Education, "Practices and factors for training staff for construction" by Chamber of Construction, Bulgaria and the Energy Strategy of Bulgaria until 2020. In the recent years the trend has been vocational training in construction to prepare graduates with insufficient practical knowledge. The emphasis is on the necessities to improve the interaction between the real requirements of the construction industry and theoretical knowledge, which lags behind in terms of the practice. This requires new skills and competencies. The teachers-trainers must learn new skills and approaches to specific fields in construction and develop new methods and approaches to teaching in VET. Students need to upgrade their professional knowledge and skills, which in turn will place them in a more favorable position in the ever-changing conditions on the labor market and new requirements for skilled construction workers and bridge the gap in skills for future construction workers that will lead to the development of VET institutions. Identified needs lead respectively to the project objectives.Objectives: • to acquire and improve new innovative knowledge, skills and competencies in the practical orientation of training and educational content as well as vocational training based on alternating training; • to Increase the number of trained staff to use IBT- construction technologies in order to improve the expeditious development and bridge the gap in the skills of workers in construction• to develop cooperation between the partner institutions and experience of VET staff ,that will develop new educational methods and teaching materials to transfer and adapt in the education system.• to Increase employability and competitiveness in the labor market and self-confidence of students who are "pioneers" in something new for Bulgaria, namely the use of technology in IBT construction • to improve the quality of vocational training and inter-institutional development of the project partners.Number and profile of participants: This project is intended for 5 teachers /VET-staff from VSBT "Penio Penev" Plovdiv and 10 students-11 and 12 grade from VSBT"Penio Penev" .Activities and Methodology : holding two pieces of mobility beneficiaries "Training teachers to learn new skills and approaches for teachers in the IBT-technology in construction"-Seminar in Training Centre Visiting construction sites and factory conditions and "Practice of students in the IBT-technology in construction"-practice in Training Centre place of mobility: Germany-Magdeburg, Vocational training and technology Centre, duration of mobility: Nr.1-1 work week in February 2017 and Nr. 2-2 work weeks in April 2017.Results and impacts: increasing, innovating and improving professional skills, knowledge and competencies; overwhelming skill mismatches on the practical suitability, improved employability, acquired European awareness and developing an adaptation to European standards; 15 mobilities so far; increased motivation and personal growth and overcomed skill mismatches users, institutional and development cooperation between partners of the project. Long-term impact and benefits: increased number of VET-staff as well as increased percentage of employability; improved learning process for the vocational training in construction and, in particular - "IBT-technology expeditious construction" , integrated the acquired learning innovative practices and better adaptation to European standards of quality of education, improved quality of vocational education; supporting the concept, based on knowledge, for development of the economy.
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