Search for European Projects

IA Volunteering
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Living in Europe together with many different cultures means being able to accept and support another person's way of living and thinking. It is important to provide children, teenagers and the youth of today with stability and social as well as intercultural abilities and competences. On the basis of the good experience with the volunteers in Angola we would like to give young people the possibility to join the daily work with young people in a protected atmosphere and to develop his/her social, solidary and intercultural responsibility. A volunteer should like to work with children and young people and should be creative. She /her should be open for development cooperation and acts of solidarity. We organize various charity-activities with and for young people. These activities include tombola, concerts, workshops, voluntary work, workshops, seminars on different topics (poverty, solidarity, development assistance, Fairtrade, youthwork, teamwork, spirituality, etc.) On our weekly management meetings of the association we evaluate our work. Than we discuss, evaluate the strenghts and weaknesses of the new issues. Then we discuss "to do list" for next week and we divide the tasks. Monthly we meet with the boardmembers to evaluate the work, to discuss, plan and coordinate the further activities. Currently our association has 143 extraordinary members and 80 ordinary members. Per year we organise aproximately 25 events (tombola, concerts, workshops, voluntary work, workshops, seminars) for youth and also for the general public. We have been hosting organisation for 3 EVS volunteers from different countries. Currently, the members and the sponsors of the association support 11 education, health, and social projects in Angola. All the donations go 100% to the projects in Angola. Our work is changing the way of thinking of the youngsters and it has influence on their personal development. It has to form the public opinion about the emigrants and the emigrants issue in general. It helps to reduce prejudices and stereotypes. Our projects increase the awereness about the issues in developing countries and it supports tolerance and solidarity with emigrants. It is supporting the solidarity between nations and increases the activity of the citizens. The voluntary work of youngters is improoving the situation in Angola.
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