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I Trust On You – Integration of elderly people through the support of pets

From a demographic point of view society tends to have a population that is getting older every day. Most of the time elderly people are marginalised and isolated. This forces the adoption of community strategies aimed at fostering and increasing the skills and competences of elderly people. The learning partnership aimed at the transnational exchange of experiences and tools developed in each partner country related to support and help for marginalised elderly people through the use of pets. The target group was over 60s, women and men who are in need of an effective support making them feel active again in society, less alone and isolated and make them feel an active citizen again. The project aimed at making the community aware of the issue of supported activities with animals for elderly people.The main aims will be to identify:1. the dimension and features of the problem in each partner country,2. the already existing activities supporting the target group, and the solutions identified to overcome over 60 loneliness and social disadvantage through the employment of pets.The partnership organised transnational meetings, seminars with experts of the Third Sector and associations specialised in the pet therapy, visits to institutions and organisations dealing with the issue, in each partner country. Elderly people attended the transnational meetings and were in charge of taking pictures and organise the final exhibition in each country member of the project. The final product is the European handbook to be used as an information support for publicinstitutions and the photos exhibition of their transnational experiences.

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