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I-MOVE (Impacts Monitoring Of Vocational training in Europe) - Impact of Continuing Training on Companies and Workers concerning Training Needs Analysis, Resource Management, Training Process and Certification

The project will study and analyse four key factors relating to the impact and effectiveness of continuing learning, namely, the structure and role of training needs analysis; models of resource management for continuing training; practical approaches and conditions of learning & training and the certification of skills & recognition of non-formal learning. The four key factors are recognised as integral elements of the continuing training process. The project will initially analyse the four identified factors (regulation, practices, participation, quality and quantity of training on offer) with particular regard to the impact upon companies and individual employees and with regard to the involvement of social partners. Beyond this, the project will define a series of guidelines and recommendations towards to act as a training framework or methodology for the monitoring of the training process, again taking into account the role of social partners in relation to the planning, management and certification of training. End results of the project will comprise the results of the background and impact analyses, a series of scientific reports, a monitoring model (lifelong learning) and a range of tools developed to support the analyses undertaken. All results will be published within a dedicated project website, and on paper, in EN & IT as a minimum. Dissemination will comprise a series of seminars, throughout the project, presenting the results of the individual work phases, use of the dedicated website for the presentation of results and the use of existing partner networks (social partners, employer associations, policy makers, training organisations, Universities and other education institutes) to raise awareness of both project activities and results. Target groups for the project include companies and individual employees within the manufacturing industry, in addition to social partners and other associations involved in social dialogue relating to continuous training.
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