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I'M a Professional Active Curious Traveller Making Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"IMPACT ME" naturally found its name for the impact it will have on us, our students, our 3 schools, our image, our city and even our country.Indeed the primary objectives of IMPACT ME come in a variety of educational, professional and societal major axes: languages, exams, schooling, attractiveness, openness, internationalization, mobility and influence. Our project is supported by a consortium comprising 3 schools in Castelnaudary: Lycée Durand, coordinator, Lycée Andréossy and the SEGPA section of Collège Fontanilles .The consortium will work on its international opening for initial and continuing training, mainly with Poland and Croatia – the former being the historical partner of the coordinator, the latter as a new valuable and experimented partner.Our application is based on a 24-month contract culminating in 2 four-week mobility periods with a total of 48 students and 19 accompanying adults, during the months of June 2017 and June 18. These student work experiences will be punctuated by 28 one-week periods devoted to adult training.About 12,000 inhabitants live in Castelnaudary, and our students mostly from modest and rural origins, geographically and administratively far away from the regional prefecture, are often reluctant to any educational or professional mobility.All our future students/participants are enrolled in vocational initial training and specialise in Sales, Business, Administration, Electrical Engineering, Surveyor-Topographer, Public Works and Catering (3ème SEGPA).Our project is meant to be firmly serious, ambitious, realistic and progressive:In June 2017, the first period will be based on solid foundations and a reliable experience: 10 students from industrial sections will complete their training periods in Bedekovcina, Croatia in building companies that have a solid experience with European trainees, while 14 from the tertiary sector will live their experience in Cracow, Poland in shops, offices and restaurants. In 2018, the project will then offer its 24 students the opportunity to do their training periods in the industrial and/or tertiary sector on both destinations.Just like the program "Erasmus +", we aim at "building on past experience, looking towards the future"!Regarding the Lifelong Learning Programme, we conducted a survey among the employees of our three schools and decided to schedule 28 one-week job-shadowing periods (administrative and pedagogical) that will allow us to put to good use the innovative practices witnessed in our foreign partners schools.The manifold repercussions and aftermath of the project truly account for its name. Its impacts are to be felt on multiple levels: The ERASMUS + project will enable our students to improve their foreign language skills and to perform better in national examinations. Finally, in our context of rurality, it appears essential to us to provide our students and staff with the opportunity develop their European citizenship.In a nutshell, proving one point to everyone: living in Castelnaudary, believing in Europe.Another major impact that our consortium is striving after also concerns misconceptions and the project will see us working at a better image of our students and vocational training. These first two expected repercussions obviously require a communication scheme: we already got into partnership with local businesses and persuaded the regional daily press to cover the project and started working with institutional bodies.Last but not least, we are also considering the impact of the project in terms of transmission: everything is and will be done to ensure that the skills, the openness, the sense of European citizenship acquired by the participants (staff and students) during their mobility will also benefit their colleagues or classmates and families. As this 24-month contract will take us to the merging of the two high schools of the consortium in September 2017 (of which it represents the first milestone) we already anticipated the creation of an even more ambitious future project with a departmental consortium by initiating contacts with neighbouring vocational schools, relying on the expertise and future success of IMPACT ME.   "I'M a Professional Active and Curious Traveller Making Europe". The decision was made to keep this variation brainstormed by our students as a symbol of cooperation between them and their teachers, but also for its international clarity in the language of Churchill. Eager not to leave out the language of Jean Monnet, we opted for a second acronym: “Impulser la Mobilité Professionnelle pour les Apprenants de Castelnaudary en Travaillant à la Mobilité Européenne” - "Stimulating Professional Mobility for the Castelnaudary Learners by Working on European Mobility".
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