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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE we want to promote Early Guidance as a useful tool for the achievement of the Europe 2020 target to reduce the rate of ESL and to improve the attainment of young people. It is important to help children to look inside and around themselves, to imagine their future through this double perspective, by beginning to know the labour marked and educational opportunities, becoming aware that the learning process is a lifelong process and that school is a part of it. AIM OF TH PROJECT: to find and experiment teaching paths that allow students, from nursery onwards, to think about their identity in order to strengthen their capacity to make conscious choices, to take into consideration the continually widening territorial, social and cultural environment and to understand the value of completing an education or training programme. THE OBJECTIVES of I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE are: Augmented consciousness and competence, in teachers, related to educational guidance and guidance-oriented teaching. Identified and developed strategies and methods to help : All students creating connections with the world of work and with the upper secondary schools/vocational schools of the school area. Teachers to promote inclusive teaching/learning approaches for all students. Teachers to identify and develop strategies to fight gender stereotypes in teaching, learning and in professional choices. We will address STUDENTS by analyzing three main areas: IDENTITY AND PERSONAL CHOICES Through teaching paths students can learn: To think about themselves, their potential and their abilities. Become responsible and aware of the consequences of their actions. Take responsibility and take on tasks to make our societies work efficiently. LABOUR MARKET Through the knowledge of local and European areas and world of work opportunities: Students can understand how to use their own competences. Teachers can be more conscious of the world of work needs in order to help students build life skills. EDUCATIONAL TRAINING Through the knowledge of some jobs: Students will learn to plan educational paths that allow them to achieve their own ambitions. We will do this in cooperation with other different agencies and specialists at local level in order to enable the adoption of a 'whole child'approach' to Early School Leaving. The target age of the project is: 5-12 All partners are schools: some of them have already collaborated in previous Comenius partnerships with Maniago ( Turkey, Latvia, Finland, Romania UK-England) two are new entries but they have a previous experiences in Comenius Projects Some of our partner schools are already providing career guidance pathways to their students, other are focusing on self-esteem and consciousness building activities, other have not yet introduced to these experiences: trough international cooperation, sharing our good practices and building guidance pathways we want to foster all schools, together with the territorial agencies, to deepen their knowledge about early guidance and its educational value, providing teachers with a tested, structured and shared equipment of tools and resources. The main activities of the project are: Preparatory activities , transnational project meetings and on line meetings, short-term exchanges of groups of pupils and short-term joint staff training events. During the last meeting in Italy it will be organized a dissemination seminar supported by our Region (Guidance Department) The school activities will be developed into the following main areas: IDENTITY AND PERSONAL CHOICES consisting of self-knowledge, self-analysis and self-awareness and discovering interests and aspirations and developing initiatives KNOWLEDGE OF THE LABOUR MARKET AND JOBS discovering past and present jobs in specific geographical and social contexts. KNOWLEDGE OF EDUCATIONAL TRAINING discovering the value of educational training in order to get the job they want. In this way students learn the importance of a proper education process which in turn helps against early school leaving. To implement the activities these methodologies will be used : cooperative learning, peer tutoring, lab teaching role playing and team work, see fit to develop key competences of lifelong learning too. ICTs have an important role in the development of this project. With I KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE we aim to put in motion a concrete process to help preventing early school leaving. For this reason we want to create a KIT FOR TEACHERS and a PLATFORM, where it will be possible download all the materials developed during the project. According to the activities, monitoring and evaluation will be carried out through: assessment sheets, shared with all partners during the first meeting, for students , surveys for teachers and parents structured test focused on activities, observations about the interactions and the organization of the activities..,guided and metacognitive reflections.
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7 Partners Participants