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I Had a Dream
Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Tepebasi Youth Group, is an informal group, gathered together with the idea of providing solutions to the social problems. Our awareness to such social problems raised with the class of ?Practices for Social Services?, and along with it the studies we made on Tepebasi Municipality Center of Disabled Integration. We decided to step up for the disabled people in order them to face less problems while they were using the physical environment and raise the awareness to such problems in Eski?ehir. Our Project foresees and aims to raise an awareness to the difficulties that people with disabilities face, like car parks near the disabled ramps and lack of disabiled sidewalks, to the people live in Eskisehir at the same time, make this awareness to create some conveniences for the existing problems that people with disabilities face. Lack of the roads that needed to be allocated for handicapped people, car parks near to the disabled ramps and similar problems are hardening the lives of the disabled people and decrease their life qualities. The main aim is to create an active social movement in order to put this issue away. Although all the local authorities provide the essential possibilities, like disabled friendly busses, disabled ramps on the sidewalks, citizens? insensible and irresponsible acts make this problem to become a social problem also. The goal of disability ramps is to make transportation easier to the ones who are disabled or older and also make them to participate the life easily. As we learned from the people with disabilities from our social environment, either environmental or social problems the handicapped people are facing makes not only their lives difficult, but also make them to have some psychologic problems that affect their life qualities in a bad way. Disabled ramps planned to be ease the lives of disabled people in theory, but, on the other hand, in real life, it has also been confirmed by us that there is a lack of awareness about those ramps and their purposes, and those ramps, which are already not enough, are being closed to use. We decided to work in this process with the youth from different cultures for several reasons. Firstly, we believe that this is not just a local problem, but also it has a dimension in international level. Secondly, we thought that we can also learn from the good examples that have been already executed in order to solve the problem in the participant countries from our colleague?s. Finally, after the workshops, exchange of ideas and brain storms that will take place in between 9 ? 17 May, we think that we can design an international project and take attention of bigger crowds. To create this awareness, the workshop called ?Who is disabled ?? will be executed, the information about works that participants did for handicapped people in their own countries so far will be demanded, for these kind of issues, a newspaper will be prepared and this newspaper will be shared at apparent points of city center. After that, Tepebasi Municipality Handicapped People Integration Centre will be visited, which facilitates participation of handicapped people to social life, and also Handicapped Installation Studio, which, on the other hand, provides employment opportunities for handicapped people in Eskisehir will be visited for obtain some information about process. One of our workshops will include the work ?Disability Awareness Cards?. Those cards which will have prepared will be distributed firstly in apparent points of city center and left on the cars? windows which parked near the disabled ramps especially. Lastly, we aim to spread a short film with two parts that have cross scenarios by using social media opportunities to create a multiplier effect and convey the awareness we will have created to people. For the participants, an invitation text has been prepared and shared in social media channels. Besides the program countries, Turkey and Poland, partner countries Ukraine and Greece has also participated to execute the activities. 34 people will participate to this project, 8 from all foreign countries and 10 from Turkey, with supervising the gender equality like 4 male and 4 female, 8 at total. All the participants have got high awareness of this issue and also have high motivation, and did some work on this issue so far. To help all the activities in project to create efficient and continuous outputs, at the same time, without ignoring the environmental consciousness, Disability Awareness Cards, which will be produced by paper recycle, will be distributed at the important points of city and also will be left on cars? Windows which are parked near the disabled ramps and by using these kind of occasions, it?s been aiming to create an awareness to people who does not have it by now. During the process of this project, what method we want to imply is Formal, and Informal education techniques which already are supported by Erasmus+ Programme.
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