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Start date: Jun 30, 2015, End date: Jun 29, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The two main aims of this Project are, on the one hand, the internship of VET ICT students in a foreign country and on the other the professional development of teachers related to Physical Education, ICT of VET (Micro Computing Systems and Network) and the leader team in three diffetrent institutions: International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE - UK), Albeda College (Holland) and Kinda Lärcentrum (UK). Concerning the students, the project is the following-up of six previous ones with the same aim as professional relationships has been established between both Dutch and Spanish schools to develop the ICT VET internships of students from both countries.The project consists in offering seven mobilities to students who are studying VET through the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology in the ICT professional family in order to carry on their internship in Holland. This way they will have the opportunity of developing professional, linguistic and multicultural competences and skills for their future professional life. These mobilities have been established in two flows in the two academic courses during the months of April and May. Both institutions have similar charateristics, being both Vocational Training Schools; one of them will send the students to the foreign country and the other one will host these students. Our students will have an internship of 65 days (400 hours) in an enterprise to develop the acquired professional capacities, as part of the contents of the FCT curriculum, which is necessary to get their official qualification title. As far as the secondary purposes are concerned, it must be added the following objectives: 1. To improve the working integration of the students when they achieve their qualification. 2. To develop the linguistic and intercultural skills through a foreign language to open new doors to the labour market. 3. To reinforce the international dimension of our school and students to continue being a public school which is a reference at national level with this kind of projects. 4. To increase the European integration of the students in working habits, together with cultural and social aspects. Concerning the teachers, the mobilities will reach the following aims: 1. To know in-depth the VET dual system in another country 2. To better the professional competencies in order to update work practices 3. To better knowledge, acquire and develop new professional skills and new methodologies to improve pedagogical processes 4. To immerse teachers and leader team in a different professional culture, practicing a foreign language (English) to improve linguistic and cultural skills and facilitate the integration in professional learning communities. To reach all this the following mobilities have been planned: 1. Job shadowing in ICCE (15 days). These two mobilities will be applied for the next two academic courses 15-16 and 16-17 (one for each course). They will take place during the months of July and September, so as not to interfere with the teaching periods of the school. The preparatory activities will take place in the previous months. The following activities will take place during the stay: observation of theory and practice and new ICT resources to better the pedagogical processes. 2. Job shadowing in Albeda College (10 days). These two mobilities will have the aim to know in-depthly the experience of the dual VET in Holland to extend the experience for planning a project to start the dual Vocational Training in our school, the relationships with the different companies and enterprises, the assessment systems and the curricular and teacher-staff organization. This knowledge will be the base to apply for a piloting project for our school to our Regional Education Authorities in 16-17, which the sustainability of the impact of these mobilities will be guaranteed. 3. Job shadowing and training in Kinda Lärcentrum (5 days). This activity will be carried out by a mobility which will achieve the following objectives: broadening and deepening outdoor environmental education, understanding the European dimension of learning outdoor and environmental education as a complement to the classroom.

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