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I care for you - Erwerb interkultureller pädaogischer Kompetenz im Berufsfeld Erziehung/Soziales
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

30 students of the Berufsfachschule in the field of Social and Educational Studies of the Alice-Salomon-Berufskolleg in Bochum developped their personal and professional competence regarding the European horizon. In order to develop their communicative skills in the English language and to realize cultural differences in ways of living in another European country as well as to broaden their horizon with regard to methods of work and educational principles in the field of early childhood education the participants did a one-month internship in Maltese nurseries and kindergartens. In cooperation with Future Focus Ltd., who provided necessary organizational support and supervision, the participants practiced living on their own and kept house as well as managed every day and job-related communicative situations in English. As part of the international exchange while working at nurseries and kindergartens the participants got to know aspects of views of life and methods of work in the field of early childhood education and compared them with German approaches. The advancement of communicating in a foreign language and the insights in the educational work of another EU-country on the one hand and the increase of the level of consciousness of being citizens of a common Europe, whose future essentially relies on the fact that its inhabitants build it with responibility, creativity and cultural open-mindedness on the other hand, were thus our goals. This also included the apprehension to view other EU member states as possible places to live and work. Two of the participants are now planning to do a one year internship in Malta. The ECVET-Learning Agreement and the ECVET-Memorandum of Understanding show transparency to all participants involved. The Europass Mobility and the Language Passport documented the increase of competence in the European context and certified achievements made during the internship.
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