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Η αξιοποίηση των Τ.Π.Ε. στην εκπαίδευση και ένταξη των ατόμων με ειδικές εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες, Νοητική Υστέρηση και Κινητικές Αναπηρίες (ΑΜΕΑ) στο σχολικό και ευρύτερο κοινωνικό περιβάλλον
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our proposal constitutes an educational programme from 5/9/2016 to 19/9/2016 in the e-SCHOOL (MPIRMPAKOS D. & SIA O.E.) in Greece. The theme is " ICT tools in education and inclusion of disabled persons (mental and physical disabilities) in the school and social environment". For the implementation of this program we co-operated with THEODORIDEIO CENTER - ORIZONTES which is similar to our own center in Karditsa (Greece). On the occasion of our visit for educational purposes in Greece, we will visit the THEODORIDEIO CENTER - HORIZONTES, to exchange expertise and experiences.Participants are trainees with disabilities (disabled persons) and accompanying persons.The training will be held in Greek language by trainers with a high scientific level.Participants will discover new ways and training methods for exploiting their full potential with the ultimate aim of integration (social, professional). The main goal is to lift the blockade of Persons with Disabilities (Disabled) by using communication tools, ICT and developing of motor skills.The timetable of the work programme of the training and the corresponding software's is:• ZAC Browser Gold: Browser Disabled (6/9)• Hyper-Structure (2 days) (7-8 / 9)• NPointer (software for gestural control of PC) (9/9)• Learning to move safely (12-13 / 9)• Little Artists in Action (14-15 / 9)• Magic Filter v2.0 (16-17 / 9)Monitoring of the program will be processed by a transnational scientific committee which will meet every day.After the end of the course will be implemented a ceremony for the dissemination of this programme from the host partner (18/9) in which will be the awarding of attendance certificates.A relevant co-operation contract is going to be signed among the partners to guarantee the smooth completion of the programme, as soon as this proposal is approved, in which clearly all the commitments of each partner will be described.Each participant (trainees with disabilities will be helped by their accompanying persons) will present at the end of the program completed questionnaire on the subject and level of training, as well as experiences and impressions. She/he will also receive a diploma from the host organization which will prove his/her participation in the educational procedure and all other activities. Finally, she/he will be certified according to the Europass certificate.The program will promote electronic Web Site of partners (sending-host) and the media. Finally, we will organize after our return to Cyprus a ceremony for the dissemination of this programme to our Centre.The host partner has great expertise in programs to improve the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training for people with disabilities. It organizes training programs for disabled persons with sensitivity, in order to ensure optimal training, personal and intercultural development, and appropriate personal monitoring and evaluation. It will have the responsibility for the placement of participants (accommodation, food, cultural visits, transportation, etc.), organization of training (trainers, training facilities, software packages, materials and instruments) as well as the organization of the timetable of the educational programme. Also, it will prepare our trainers (KENTRO AMEA-AGIOS LAZAROS) with distance learning (if required) on use the software packages. The results expected from this project on disabled persons, is the use of their potential with the ultimate aim of their integration into the community, their integration into employment, their development in ICT skills and communication, the development of motor skills, socialization, lifting of the blockade.The impact the project will be great at the with mental and physical disabilities (disabled persons), on their families and the community.

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