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Η άυλη πολιτιστική κληρονομιά, τα φτερά μας στην αναβάθμιση, εξέλιξη και διεθνοποίηση του Σχολείου μας
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Bearing in mind the preservation of our specific cultural identity as well as the particular knowledge for and respect to the other people and their distinct cultures, especially in these days where the cultural identity and the distinct culture in general that defines every people are tested or even better are in danger of assimilation, and taking into our account that the School is a means of knowledge as well as of conveying literacy, we ended up the development of the proposed action plan. The aim of the specific plan was the education and the professional empowerment of the teachers, which was achieved with the observation of two seminars related to the topic and with the job shadowing at schools abroad as well as with the teaching at those schools. In particular, the quality of the teaching process of our colleagues was improved and updated; their knowledge was enriched with new methods and approaches as well as with teaching tools; our colleagues became acquainted with other cultures; they created contact networks so as for them to be able to cooperate with those schools abroad. Last but not least, our colleagues acquired intercultural consciousness. Our students, in terms of this plan, became familiar with all those elements that compose their cultural identity; they became acquainted with and understood the specific characteristics that connect the Siatistian people, which are the elements of the intangible cultural heritage, and the students appraised and loved their hometown. The students met other and different cultures; they acquired such a kind of knowledge and skills in order to understand, preserving their cultural identity and accepting the different, the “Other,” that they are members of a diverse European community. Additionally, our school was updated and upgraded through this program, mostly after the observation of the seminars, especially of that seminar that took place in London related to the use of Web 2 tools in the teaching process as well as after the job shadowing and the teaching at schools abroad. Our school acquired European extroversion and expanded its internalization with transnational cooperation. Furthermore, the proposed plan through the diffusion and dissemination of the results being implemented after each mobility with uploading press releases on the school’s website or posting them in the local newspaper or with organizing day conferences or interviews, was appealed to the wider educational as well as local community. Besides, during the program, the school was “open” to the local community which offered its knowledge on issues regarding the intangible cultural heritage. The parents and grandparents of our students, people occupied with the folklore tradition as well as the history of the area and the citizens of Siatista helped us with the acquisition of our local cultural literacy. The impact of the plan was bigger that it was expected to be. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes were acquired and as a result those who got involved in the program were leaded to the acquisition of their cultural identity. The program empowered the teachers, improving methods and practices related to the teaching process and motivated the students to get involved in innovative actions. The short term and long term effects of the program are summarized in helping the school, as a more humane and democratic institution, to achieve the eternal goals of education. To sum up, evaluating the plan either from that point of view regarding either the adoption of new methods and practices by the teachers or the students’ attitude change or the school’s website, which gained a lot of visitors who are interested in learning everything new about the program, we believe that the 2nd Primary School of Siatista took a taste of and enriched in its way the European dimension of Education.

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