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hysical Regeneration of Urban Areas (PHYRE)

The PHYRE network adopted a cooperation model toestablish a strong partnership from the outset.According to the network the prerequisites for effectivecooperation are:Trust – built from previous working together or havinga strong common interestCommitment – willingness to put forward competent expertson the selected subjectCredentials – diversity of experience, scale and approachmakes for an interesting exchange.PHYRE built their partnership around these prerequisites andnoted the importance of the start up conference to allowpartners to get to know each other, provide an opportunity fororganisational issues to be resolved, create a platform forformal and informal deliberation, get a commonunderstanding of the agenda and the expectationsand obligations of each partner. At this first meeting thepartners identified 3 thematic seminars as key momentsof cooperation. These seminars would be precededby a preparatory meeting and followed up in the followingmeeting to present the results. This focus on improvingmechanisms for transnational co-operation has a clear addedvalue: Seminars are based on better defined theme, theconcrete benefits for the partners are visible and the partnersare motivated to contribute and actively participate.The three seminars addressed the three sub themes:1. Social and Mobility Policy within urban regeneration2. Physical regeneration in housing areas; Cooperation andnegotiation with owners; Innovative procedures in brownfieldredevelopment3. Economic aspects/unemployment within the field of urbanregeneration Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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  • 50%   97 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

8 Partners Participants