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Hydrological cycle of the CADSES regions (HYDROCARE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project HYDROCARE wishes to develop an integrated system capable of assessing the impact of hydrometeorological events on the water resources in the CADSES region. Emphasis will be put on the development of effective transnational tools for a rational exploitation of the water resources, with the purpose of preserving and enhancing economical and environmental welfare. Such managing tools will be illustrated also in practical terms by performing some case studies. Other main points of the project will be the reconstruction of the large and basin-scale hydrological cycle in the CADSES area, to be obtained by suitably merging observations (both local and remote) and models, and the development of a high level ICT network within a transnational frame for collecting and exchanging hydrometeorological data and providing relevant information to end-users such as professionals, farmers, entrepreneurs, public administrations and agencies. Expected Results: Expected outcomes of HYDROCARE are: - Development of an integrated approach for water resource management, directly bridging the evaluation of the quality and quantity of the water resources of the CADSES area with soundly based tools to reconstruct and model the large and basin-scale hydrological cycle, - Establishment of effective, internationally shared tools for public and private institutions for proper management of the water resources as well as for planning future development in the CADSES area with special attention to the dynamics of the costs of potable water, - Development of set of standards at European level for the collection, evaluation, storage and interpretation of the hydro-meteorological data coming from different sources, with particular regard to extreme events of great potential impact on the welfare of the population and the state of the environment, - Creation of a common and homogeneous database and development of a website with a bulletin updated monthly, covering extreme hydro-meteorological events in the CADSES area.
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  • 58.5%   1 442 625,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

10 Partners Participants