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«Hvordan kan vi tilberede og presentere nye og tradisjonelle lokale, regionale, nasjonale og internasjonale retter og menyer på en kreativ og estetisk måte, ovenfor eldre, barn, innenfor idrett og religioner.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Erasmus + Mobility project for VET graduates from 2015 to 2017 . Our application 's main goal is to let students in Restaurant and Food Processing ( RFP) , Health Care ( HC ) and Sport Sciences ( SS) get an opportunity to acquire knowledge within their disciplines in companies that have good training strategies and wanting to learn away their qualifications to students from another country . Almost all our partners are from countries that are struggling financially and our students also get an opportunity to experience and learn how your daily life functioning in the workplace and in society in terms of economy and what it can lead to daily . The students will experience during their stay will be a lesson that they should be able to bring forward in their industries / disciplines and especially to share with their peers at home. This mobility project involving two secondary schools with Restaurant and Food Processing majors , they also have many hotels and restaurants as their partners and they are willing to give our students a good education. 5 organizations that lays the ground for corporate deployment , residence , language courses and cultural elements , which have long experience in taking care of VET graduates in many disciplines . They can offer us good training places within which the RFP International restaurants and hotels are partners, this emphasizes the importance of having the anguish that we mention in the project title . When it comes HC subjects so our partners have many good partners in home care , retirement homes , hospitals , home for handicapped children and adults, home for orphans and internships in primary and secondary schools where children and youth workers can have their practice in terms of being able to help students who are struggling academically and socially. Proper nutrition with a good and varied foodhold is also an important issue for HC students. SS students will also be able to get good training places in top clubs and we hope it will be a good start for further work with this group of students. Our students may have opportunities to acquire lessons which could help to give them greater knowledge in many areas of their education. Accompanying persons will go 1-2 people to one of the project partners with the students ( who are not all over 18 years) , partly to ensure their well-being and monitor their professional activities and development, but also to have their own experiences on how we can improve the quality of oversight and support duties in the workplace and the business deployment . The organizer of this project proposal is Strinda high school in South Trøndelag County , Encyclopedia Vgs is responsible for the contractual tasks, allocation of funds and reporting. The project consists of 3-4 weeks of student internship of 52 VET graduates and 18 instructors to 3 countries .Strinda high school will give some of the candidates 10 hours of language lessons also some cultural lessons from the city / country candidates to it. Each recipient organization will also provide a 3-4 day with an introduction to the language, culture and profession professional life in the host country and then a 2.5 - weeks of work - student internship in a company related to the goals of the candidate's training program. Host organizations will provide food, accommodation, cultural and social initiatives for the visitors at very reasonable prices. The most important thing about this project is that students should be able to have the opportunity to learn a little about how other countries are practicing their professions and how training takes place in the companies we get the opportunity to practice in , language and culture will also have an important place in the project . Encyclopedia Vgs hope that the students who get the opportunity to be able to get a different view of their practical training , taking the small experiences that can be used in their own teaching and possibly work in the future .

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5 Partners Participants