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Hurka, kolbász, friss kenyér franco finnugor módra
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational training for baker, baker-confectioner and butcher students in France and Finland in the school-year 2015/16 12 students and a teacher spent six weeks during the school-year 2015-16 abroad thanks to the Erasmus+ No. 2015-1-HU01-KA102-013246 student exchange programme. The programme enabled our students to improve their skills and their knowledge of English, have information about the possibilities of getting a job abroad. We could finance the cost of the students’ journey, accomodation, insurance, meals and their living. The students chosen had to meet certain requirements. These involved their exam results and community work. We took into consideration their behaviour and psychological suitability. The students also took part in an interview. The stuents participated in language course of English and French to improve their knowledge of these languages. Six students travelled to Brest, France to the VocationaL School IFAC of Brest while six other travelled to Tampere, Finland to Tampere College. Six bakers and baker-confectioner students plus six butcher students were sent to both places. They worked in the workshops of the schools but also in cafes, at the confectioner’s, baker’s or buthcher’s in town. Our students learned about new techniques and products. They arranged a „Hungarian Day” where they prepared typically Hungarian cakes or meat products. They were granted The Europass Mobility Certificate as proof of their competence. After arriving home on 27th April, 2016 they held a meeting where they shared their experience with the other students and teachers of our school. They prepared the regional delicacies they learnt abroad so that everybody could taste them. The training period abroad counted in their school-year in Hungary. The students and the accompanying teacher were satisfied with the Erasmus+ programme to a great extent. They recommended the programme for future generations as a very good chance of enriching the period of their studies, sharing their ideas with others and learning co-operative work with people of different nationalities and cultures. The French and Finnish teachers were satisfied with the work and skills of our students. We create a framework with our partners allowing the implementation of ECVET-system within student exchange program. Our partners sent assessment sheet from our students results. Our only weak point was the students’ knowledge of languages, which proved to be insufficient in certain situations. We should put a greater emphasis on this field of vocational education.
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