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Hungarian-Romanian Research Platform for Smart Materials Research Projects Support (SMARTMAT)
Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Smart materials have one or more properties that can be modified using specific methods and techniques. The project aims to develop a joint Hungarian - Romanian research platform in the field of smart and other new materials which support the development of fundamental research projects.The platform integrates 3 laboratories, 2 at the University of Debrecen with the purpose of investigating smart and composite materials at macro and micro levels and 1 laboratory at the University of Oradea where nano-scale properties can be analyzed. Integrating the knowledge of the project partners, the main objective of the project is to create a bilateral platform in the field of new materials, by building a structural base which supports the development of new joint research projects.The joint team defined the organizational structure and research and educational strategies of the platform, renovate the laboratories, acquire the necessary equipment and integrate in the platform organizational structure. The platform strengthens the cohesion in the field of research and education and provides a valuable support for companies in the cross-border area.Target groups: a first group of direct beneficiaries of the project are the researchers from the partner universities and from the cross-border region in the field of smart materials, composite materials and material science in general; a second group of direct beneficiaries are students (BSc., MSc., PhD. ) which will benefit from the project's result working with state of the art equipment for new materials analysis accumulating knowledge during their training period; another important group of direct beneficiaries are researchers and students from other universities, research centres or innovative enterprises which will participate in future joint research projects of University of Oradea and University of Debrecen as partners and also staff of institutions and companies which will have contract based training courses in the SMARTMAT research platform. Based on the capacity of the laboratories and the estimates made by the project team, the direct beneficiaries group of the research platform is estimated to be made up of 140 persons on both sides of the border, researchers, bachelor, master and PhD students and graduates from 8 departments of the partner universities.The main specific activities of the project are: project events (opening and closing conference, 4 workshops); upgrading the laboratories' infrastructure; acquisition and integration of equipment in the laboratories; integration of laboratories into the SMARTMAT research platform.The steps to complete the development of the SMARTMAT research platform are: reevaluating structure and strategies stated in the Joint Feasibility Study; developing detailed description and clear specification of SMARTMAT research platform operation; finalizing the research platform institutional status in the frame of the two universities, based on laws and specific regulations of both countries. Expected Results: Main results: SMARTMAT scientific website and database; joint management team of the platform; 4 workshops; communication materials: brochures, plaques, billboards.
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  • 85%   1 015 852,85
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants