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Humanity in action
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is to increase the sense of intergenerational solidarity in the context reaping the experience of public action in co-creation of the Structured Dialogue, by this development, testing and introduction of methods of games to consult the different strands of youth policy in the region, Poland and Europe. The overall aim is to improve the transfer of knowledge servant increase creativity and innovation in youth organizations, local governments, youth city councils. The project will last 12 months and will take place in Lodz. In total, the project will cover 30 persons aged 16-30 years, including 10 people at risk of social exclusion because of poverty. The project consists of three stages. The first phase is a preparatory meeting during which will be discussed all the details of the project and its themes such as issues relating to sustainable development and equal opportunities. This event will allow youth to accurate knowledge of the specifics and assumptions provided działań' design and prepare them to create a game that is one of the key elements of the project.The second action at this stage will be a series warsztatów.Celem first module will acquire the knowledge, among others, the scope of civil rights, opportunities to participate in social life, how to implement social rights and legal standards for public participation in public life and stipulating that prawa.Druga part of the workshop is a practical science of social entrepreneurship based on the principles of sustainable development during which young people acquire the ability to sense of responsibility own environment and the natural environment, as well as local and regional solidarity in support of sustainable development.The second phase of the project will include a series of consultations coaching for uczestników.Pierwszy series of coaching involves simulating problem solving in order to develop local positions on social entrepreneurship based on the principles of sustainable development, and therefore the policy cycle młodzieżowej.Drugi coaching involves coaching support in developing educational game. for the game participants, together with leading coaching will choose a universal problem faced by the youth in Poland regardless of the area they inhabit. Youth after selecting an issues divide them into three thematic groups in line with the thematic axes of the same design and create examples of simulation solutions. Another activity in this phase will be to create educational game using processes decyzyjne.Głównym purpose of playing is to solve possible in the shortest time possible social problems. The game will also address important from the point of view of youth social problems and simulate their solutions. To deal with problems the player must earn points by moving the knowledge and skills in the fields of the board during that time rozgrywki.W competition will be announced by the internet and social media on the title and packaging gry.Ostatnim action at this stage would be negotiating with dwaTurnieje game .Turnieje will be monitored and reviewed by specialists discussed and the results -PROGRAMMES repair social projects, reform or action plans-will be provided in the form of recommendations to the relevant authorities at three levels-local / regional, national and European level (in the framework of the Structured Dialogue ). The winner successive rounds of negotiations will be collecting points, and the best the Finalists during a seminar summarizing the projekt.Podsumowaniem the project, while the third stage will be a seminar, which aims to confront the participants with the decision-makers on policy młodzieżowej.Odbędzie through debate. The seminar will include civil rights issues, funding opportunities of citizens in public life. During the second part of the seminar will be held the final of the best teams gry.W this section will present the conclusions of the ongoing consultations coaching and recommendations. Non-formal education methods used include non-verbal communication, appropriate techniques and methods of presentation with special needs, as well as learning about wielozmysłowego.Metody applied at every stage activities will dostsowane to the needs and abilities of the participants.The result of the project will be an educational game, publication summarizing the project "The use of educational games in terms of active participation in social and public life" and the report of the consultation coaching with elaborated recommendations submitted to local decision-makers. All materials will be available under Creative Commons license.Design through innovative tools used in the project (the game konultacji method of coaching, seminar, contest) will contribute to the improvement of a structured dialogue.
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