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Human Rights "R" us
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our future cooperation will involve the schools from the following countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, England and Norway. The idea of our project derived from the awareness that human rights are constantly being violated in our today's society at all levels (at school, at home, at work...) on a daily basis, and it is urgent to act in order to produce a change of attitudes which will result in action and eventual solution of real cases. Therefore the objectives pursued are : to empower all the partners and individuals involved to take part in the struggle for human rights; to seek to strengthen the European Identity through the cooperation between our participating countries, and their commitment to human rights and a democratic point of view; to highlight the importance of continually developing good educational practices for enhancing ethical attitudes and actions amongst students; to promote individual responsibility for other people and for the community, cross-cultural dialogue, inclusion of minorities; to learn and communicate in a foreign language;to learn from the past; to improve communication skills, ICT skills; to encourage innovation, activity and initiative; to connect the project with curricular areas in the educational systems of the participating countries: Ethics, English and Philosophy; to develop Interpersonal, intercultural, social competences and civic competence as part of the European lifelong learning programme, being a transversal topic which inspires and affects all the curricular areas; to improve the teachers' teaching practice. The participants will be students from different ages and attending different grades at school. They belong to distinct communities( geographically, socially, economically, culturally) , a real melting-pot. We can estimate that over over 100 students will be directly involved and more than 1000 will be indirectly involved. The activities will be: - Welcome letters; a web blog about the project (teachers) ; designing of the project logo and slogan; exploring the history of Human Rights; celebration of UN´s Day of Human Rights; exploring the meaning of the human rights through philosphical dialogue; organizing a human rights Club - "Human Rights are us" (this can initiate and organise activities and actions concerning human rightsi in the school or local community);T-shirt of the club (that will be used during the Club actions and visits); doing research (interview/questionnaire etc.) on the status of human rights in the school yard, in the local community and in their home country; exploring the phenomenon of stereotyping (engaging the students in a dialogue about how stereotyping can limit people’s freedom; taking action for human rights in cooperation with Amnesty International or any other NGO. The methodology we are going to use is : the school from Portugal will be the coordinator. It will ensure that all the information is properly sent and received by all partners. It will check the particular steps of the project , make necessary changes, etc. All the schools will promote the activities planned and an intensive use of ICT will be fundamental for the communication among the participants and dissemination of the results. There will be 5 transnational meetings with the participation of 2 teachers and 5 students. The results will be tangible and intangible.: Tangible - Social networks( facebook restrict group);a blog; videos on YouTube channel; Reports; leaflets; exhibitions; school club on Human Rights; NGO school campaign; project corner. Intangible - knowledge and experience acquired; development of language and ICT skills; better awareness of the question arisen; development of initiative, creativity, cooperation; proactivity; entrepreneurship; development of ethical attitudes; development of dialogical skills. Concerning the impact of the project and potential longer term benefits, students and teachers will become more aware of the differents aspects of human rights and they will learn how important it is to involve yourself by respecting and fighting for human rights in everyday life. By meeting people from other cultures both students and teachers will also get to know different ways of thinking and the status of human rights in different countries. During the activities they will think about their own attitudes and behaviour, and this might lead to a deeper understanding and change of attitude. The students and teachers will get experience in taking action, and this may empower them to take actively part in the struggle for human rights on a daily basis. For the participating organizations, Amnesty International and other local ones, the fact that we want to work with them and take part in their actions might be an encouragement in the way that they will have more support and publicity. Hopefully the project could also make minority groups feel more included and respected in our communities.

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