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How to enhance the students` enthusiasm and academical level activity orientated and in line with actual praxis to prepare them for the European job market
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project topic „Supporting students‘ learning enthusiasm and increasing knowledge level of students mainly from year 8 and above” was formed together with project partners as a consequence of the previous Comenius projects Health Support and Reading Support. It became clear that when students’ made an active contribution to the curriculum in different subjects or in school projects their enthusiasm increased and their level of knowledge improved. For this reason we decided to develop teaching and project modules, to present and test them in order to support the achievement of the project aim: Preparation for the European job market. Our partner schools have different key focus areas which cover the knowledge spectrum at secondary school level. The Finnish school focuses on languages, art and the environment; the Danish school has a key focus on STEM (MINT) subjects; and the Polish school focuses on sport. The Wilhelm Busch School (“Europaschule”, STEM school with career guidance status) is the coordinating school. Alongside project conferences, job shadowing phases are planned for teachers and pupils in which participants are able to gain practical experience. As well as practical activity during lessons, other activities outside of lessons are planned such as the organisation of a careers fair or sports day. Collective workshops on sports assistance, conflict management, company (fictional) management, school gardening and beekeeping will be organized for participants from all partner schools. In carrying out the project the online platform plays an important role in allowing for the parallel exchange of ideas and data. Questionnaires will be distributed to all schools and students in the same age group and will be evaluated at the end of the project. The coordinating school will take on the preparation of project meetings and will summarise previously agreed results. There is likely to be a wide variety of results: Performance in the form staging scenes, silhouettes, videos or audio books, tourist guides for young people, hands-on experiments, artwork on environmental topics and sustainability, a careers fair and sporting event. We hope that our students will, by improving their key qualifications, scientific and social skills, be better prepared for their entry into the European job market and that they will be able to make career choices which will prove satisfying to them in future.
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3 Partners Participants