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How it is to live, study and work in a foreign EU country
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to a report of the European Commission, an increase of one percentage point of apprenticeship has as a consequence an increase of 0.95% of the youth employment rate and a reduction of the unemployment rate of 0.8% (See. European Commission, Apprenticeship and Traineeship Schemes in the EU27: Key Success Factors, december 2013, p. 11). The schools involved in the project, in agreement with the provisions of their institutional educational projects aim to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship as in the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action, communication of the European commission adopted in January 2013. In our project, every school group of students, investigate about the possibilities available at national, regional and local level in apprenticeship, in training in higher apprenticeship (after graduation instead of the usual university). The groups build relationships with local authorities working in the field of employment and local companies interested in partnerships with the school to apprenticeships or work-study projects. Every school organize seminar with expert, entrepreneurs and local authorities to orient the students for the transition from school to work and to encourage the spirit of self-employment and culture of enterprise in young people in accordance with the objectives of the EU. Another aim of this project is to make our students aware of the importance of a well-informed decision about apprenticeship and their post-graduate education. All schools already have career guidance for their pupils. However, we want to give this counselling an international dimension. As educational systems differ from one country to another, it is important for the prospective students to know about the different opportunities that are offered to them within Europe. These possibilities are not very well known to the pupils now. Within the EU many citizens have the right to work in another EU-country. Many people already profit from this possibility, especially in times of crisis and unemployment. Students will develop the digital data in videos or digital presentations or web pages, increasing their competence in ICT. Reports on each area of each school will be published on the school website and will be advertised through the local Media. All work will be published in a Twin Space, as planned from beginning in a eTwinning project that will also allow high levels of communication and collaboration among all participants in the various countries involved. Through group meetings focused, are shown to the students at risk early school leaving the possibilities of apprenticeships and alternating training. This arrangement of school education appears more attractive to many students who are particularly interested in the practical activities and not very interested to follow ordinary course of study. Project meetings will be organized with the participation of teachers and students from different countries involved in order to allow the host country to show the possibilities in the field of school work and apprenticeship even higher (post diploma). Students visit schools, businesses and public authorities and private companies operating in the apprenticeship in the area where is located the school-students from different countries, to have full awareness of the possibilities offered to all citizens of the European Union that may move freely move in the member states of the union in order to follow courses of study in alternating training and apprenticeship and also see the possibility of real work that you are in other European countries. Every school can transmit some important event in videoconference, addressed to all the schools involved in the project, but open also to the different local communities. With this project we try to make the pupils more motivated to study abroad, to travel in the European Union and it should give them the opportunity to have work placements or training periods in foreign countries. The project is necessarily innovative in that it builds on the latest resolutions of the EU: Commission's plan to launch a European Alliance for Apprenticeships was announced as part of its Rethinking Education initiative and Youth Employment Package. The European Council of 7-8 February 2013 invited the Commission to establish the Alliance as part of measures to tackle youth unemployment. It is also a key element of the Commission's 19 June 2013 Communication on 'Working together for Europe's young people'. The 27-28 June 2013 European Council Conclusions referred to the promotion of high quality apprenticeships and work-based learning, notably through the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, as a key element of supporting youth employment.

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