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House of Brains
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since the early 2000s, the European Union has returned several times to deal with the problem of the relationships between universities and businesses that not always ensure an effective transfer of innovation and proficiency from the graduate to the company, and even less to encourage the integration of the young graduates into the labour market In the many further considerations that have occurred, the importance of dialogue between universities and the many players in the world of work has been repeatedly emphasized. The problem is long-standing and well recognized. This proposal wants to reverse the training process by setting as starting point the knowledges of the business world adding the universities knowledge and their capacity of training management, in order to turn the businesses know-how of the entrepreneurs into specialized courses. Therefore, "House of Brains" will be an on-line educational platform that will offer masters and high training of excellence for graduates where teaching will be provided not only by academics, but also by leading figures of the European business reality. The rift of the project from the traditional training system will be mainly given by the fact that the training catalogue will be the product of a careful evaluation process of suitable arguments, resultant of the consultation between the participating universities and the business organizations. This process will help preventing the gap between what the university provides - in terms of knowledge and skills - and what the labour market demands. The basic idea of this project proposal has been formulated on assessments that are the result of several years of cooperation and mutual understanding of most of the organizations member of this partnership. In all participant countries there is a local binomial partnership: a research institution and a business representative Unit or a technological park. The lead partner, Unioncamere Veneto has a strong experience in managing large EU-funded. The University of Verona is one of the most advance in Italy regarding the cooperation with businesses. Two newcomers organization, but with a highly skilled staff, will complete the Italian partnership: the Consorzio 609 and the CONSEF; both are members of AGCI - General Association of Italian Cooperatives. The German participants, the University of Fulda and Inter.Research have a wide experience of the Dual Training System and run high training paths where companies have already high influence. The Spanish partners have a relevant experience in boosting research activities and transferring the results to the business sector. The Slovenian partners, the University of Primorska and the Technology Park Ljubljana are leading entity and key national stakeholder in the development of innovative and knowledge-based entrepreneurship. The tasks and responsibilities have been divided among the partners by mutual consent with reference to the specific competences of each partner. For the implementation of the project 3 integrated transnational Working Groups will be established that will run the following activities: Activity1: contest analisys and good practices detection. In each country a country report will be done and joint report will be produced by the WG. Activity 2: definition of the training offer. Each participant university will develop at least one specific training path following the indication of the Scientific Committee. Activity 3: definition of Training methodologies and harmonization of the communication style of the trainers that will be partly from the universities and partly from the entrepreneurial world. Activity 4: definition of the technical feature and ICT support tools. Activity 5: realization of the HoB Platform, recognition and validation of the qualifications with a EQF approach, creation of the environment for the start-up of an new enterprise to ensure the running, the maintenance and the promotion of the HoB system. Activity 6 : communication and dissemination. The main result will be the setting up of Virtual Learning Environment that will offer masters or high specialized training path for graduates developed on the basis of real needs of the enterprises, with a relevant component of entrepreneurial dimension, managed with a blended teaching system; teacher will be academics and leading figures of the European business reality. The project will impact on the relationship between universities and industry strengthening their cooperation and its long term benefits will be: - the spreading of best practices of co-operative (dual) training systems - the flowing of new ideas in productive systems - the creation of new job and business opportunities - the development of innovative start-ups - the orientation of young people into the labour market - the cultural exchange between European Union countries by promoting international mobility.
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9 Partners Participants