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Hotell- och turistprogrammet- Destination Europa
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context/background of project The hotel industry is constantly developing. In order to become employable, students require a high level of expertise in marketing, customer charter, selling, languages and knowlege in order to deliver “tomorrow’s requirements.” Travel between countries is increasing, as is the need for hotel and tourism programs that can teach students to meet the new demands of international service. Students who choose this program have as a goal to work abroad after graduation and should be given the opportunity to begin building an international contactnet while they are in school. The periods of work-training that the students do during the program must allow them to begin this networking process. The objectives of the national hotel and tourism program state that students should: • develop language skills • be given knowledge of the industry both nationally and internationally • develop an understanding of the work environment and organization issues nationally and internationally • be trained in taking personal responsibility and acting with good judgement Objectives of project To present work opportunities abroad to students and inspire them within an European perspective. All students will be offered an Europass and an international CV. To help students develop the ability to communicate in a foreign language by conversing daily with employees and guests To increase the value of the programme by training competent, skillful students who will go out into the workforce with the European idea as their “beacon.” The high caliber of graduates will in turn give the hotel and tourist program higher status To make Ekbackeskolans Hotel- and tourismprogram attractive and to continue developing long-term relationships with partners in several European countries. Number and profile of participants 20 participants with a professional attitude. Selections are made by the training coordinator together with the industry's supervisor after the student have completed a 30 day training in their first year. Students also take a preparatory course in Spanish. Description of activities Students are offered the opportunity to implement the 7 weeks of training in Rota, Spain, second year. The reasons that our choice is Spain are: Spain is one of the most important countries for tourism with more than 50 million tourists per year. Spanish is a world language that students should learn. It is a safe country Workplace and society are different from Sweden. That gives students a wide perspective of the business and of the society. Training takes place at 4-star hotel- and conference facilities where students get to practice their skills within departments of reception, conference and breakfast and buffet serving. Students live in shared accommodation with full board on call round the clock. Social and cultural activities are arranged and Spanish instruction is included during the training period. Methodology to be used in carrying out the project Workplace-based learning based on objectives from learning agreements designed by Ekbackeskolan A short description of the results and impact envisaged Objectives of the courses related to training to develop • Advanced skills for future work in the EU • Personal development and maturation • linguistic development in Spanish and English • Awakened desire to continue to work outside of Sweden and continue to work in other EU countries after graduation. • Strong motivation to continue their education in the hospitality and tourism program. The potential longer term benefits An awareness within the hotel industry abroad of what Swedish workforce can bring to the tourism industry of Europe. Swedish workforce has a good reputation of being loyal, ambitious and willing to work. We also stand strict for the importance of rules concering working hours, work environment, the serving of alcohol etc. that does not exist abroad similarly. That cooperation spread within the industry in Europe and opens up additional possibilities for cross-border exchanges That a graduate of Hotel and Tourism program should weigh heavily in an employment situation where the industry recognize a competent potential employee who treats guests professionally and on an international level.

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