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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ERASMUS PLUS Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals MOBILITY PROJECT FOR VET LEARNERS AND STAFF ” HOTEL@WBL-VET . WORK BASED LEARNING ( WBL) IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR CATERING AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT The mobility project referring Key Action 1- Learning Mobility of individuals-mobility project for VET learners and staff” HOTEL@WBL-VET . WORK BASED LEARNING ( WBL) IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR CATERING AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT is being proposed by a local partnership consisting (1)Istituto alberghiero IPSSART de Carolis Spoleto (PG) , (2)l’Istituto professionale di Stato servizi per L’enogastronomia E L’ospitalità Alberghiera Servizi Commerciali Alberghiero Assisi (PG), (3)l’istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Patrizi Baldelli Cavallotti” di Città di Castello and (4) l’UTC Umbria Training Center di Scheggino (PG) and a broad international partnership consisting of several organizations. The last is composed by a congruous number of intermediary organizations from Spain, Greece, UK, Bulgaria and Germany and by different receiving organizations ( enterprises and vet agencies) in the specific sector of hotel management , wine and food, touristic customer care. The mobility projects aims at the involvement of 100 students from the III and to V year of secondary school and 16 teachers from the schools institution involved in the domestic partnership. Regional planning policies focuses on the relationship tourism-environment-culture as a sector benchmark. Foreigner incoming tends to create added value to the tourism supply. In this context, the school institutions involved in the project are well linked to the enterprises of the regions creating , together with them different training pathways involving work related experiences and, in the same time, they collect their professional needs. Employability chances for student of the partner school institutes are good even in a period of economic depression. ” HOTEL@WBL-VET . WORK BASED LEARNING ( WBL) IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR CATERING AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT take origin from the need of strengthening work related experiences in an international context in order to enhance Employability and supply teachers with new didactic competencies in the management of the connection education-labor market.. Work related learning started in Italy (administrative order n. 77 – 15th April 2005) as a alternative chance to complete secondary education pathways. It is referred to as a didactic methodology to give the possibility to student older than 15 years to acquire competencies in line with labor market’s needs. This element enable school institutions to create a network with local enterprises. Stages and traineeship and work related learning are didactic tools for the accomplishment education cycles (Italy (administrative order n. 88 – 15th April 2005). General objectives of the project are: *. To give the opportunity to students to live a work related experience abroad in order to develop basic , professional and cross competencies in the implementation of a traineeship combined with training sessions. To this aim to support student to acquire abilities, skills and attitudes to facilitate their personal development and their employability in the domestic and European labor market. *.To enhance teacher’s competencies to better implement work related learning policies by the use of new didactic methodologies able to go beyond the standard lessons. The use of active methodologies is a good connection with the real features of real labor environments. Furthermore, the project aims at the development, by a direct contact with real labor contexts, of cross competencies as the competence to work in a real organizations, to cover specific roles and to work in an intercultural environment to facilitate further professional mobility experience all over Europe and a better Employability. Project’s activities are divided by three main phases: 1) preparatory step: Students, after being selected, will be sensitized and informed about the work experience abroad and labor market of hosting organizations. At this step different didactic activities are to be implemented in order to support students to facilitate the staying in the foreign countries considering linguistic support 2)Mobility management: student will implement the study and work programme tailored for the different participants’ profiles 3)Post mobility step: In this phase dissemination activity , reporting and monitoring, ECVET credit recognition will be accomplished.

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