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Hosting Social Innovation
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Hosting eco-social innovation is a strategic partnership amongst plenum (Austria), Academy of Visionautics (Germany), The Sendzimir Foundation (Poland), and Art Monastery Italia (Italy). Our goal is a Europe of active citizens in which every person who feels a pressing need has the ability and potential to contribute to its solution and to shape his or her own living conditions, ranging from education and innovation to inclusion. We envision changemaking as a discipline that is part of life of a European citizen just like reading, speaking or eating. Our five basic outcomes are: More than 5000 people have heard about the benefits of eco-social innovation, over 250 have experienced them. Tips on where and how to start solving problems on a new level are available via a searchable online database, 5 short inspirational films, a 20-page brochure, e-learning courses and workshops. Methods to touch people’s hearts with beauty (art), fun (gamification) and community (appreciation) to encourage sustainable behavior are elaborated in high quality didactical materials. Sixteen facilitators are trained and certified in applying them. More than 250 people know how to create a protective and supportive environment in which they can prototype innovations, behaviors and communication patterns. Once these are elaborated, they can go viral. More than 5000 people know where to turn to, to get advice and support for the implementation of eco-social innovations. All stakeholders of this project will learn how transformational leadership and innovative hosting can empower people to take care of their social and ecological environment more actively. They will learn how to use different methods and what their impacts are on individual motivation, as well as on group communication, collective intelligence, community building, business and sustainability. By comparing experiences and methods used in the different countries in their specific cultural context, they will reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of their own habits and approaches. Our intellectual outputs are: Methodological and resource database (O1) Consisting of two parts, the basic database (an open area with easy-to-use tools) and the advanced database (protected area, aimed at multipliers hosting eco-social innovation). Curriculum and didactical materials for a train the trainer workshop (O2) (published in the advanced database, 16 eco-social innovation hosts will be trained) Curriculum and didactical materials for a eco-social innovation workshop (O3) (published open source in the basic database, addressing 250 people during the project, the advertising will have reached more than 5000 people) Workbook (O4) The workbook will be available online for free download and for purchase in printed form. It will be translated into 5 languages: German, Polish, Italian, English and Turkish. films (O5) Five short films will be produced. We expect them to go viral and have a total of at least 10.000 views by the end of the project. e-learning platform (O6) Three six-week e-learning courses will be organized and taught in English, Polish and German. A total of 200 trainees will be recruited and educated within this task. Apart from the above outputs, we expect the following results and impact (selection): - a functioning network of four partner organisations focused on training for eco-social innovation will have been established, with the potential to undertake follow-up actions, projects and initiatives; - the staff of partner organisations will increase their skills in ICT use, becoming proficient in the use of Webex for online video conferencing and webinars; - as a result of the eco-social innovation training in four different countries, we will have feedback forms (at least 100) to facilitate the evaluation of participants’ progress and the aspects of the training that need to be modified or changed in the future; - the project will enhance all partners’ understanding of theoretical concepts regarding eco-social innovation, as well as their practical implications in view of actions for transition, community building and sustainable living; - an improved capacity for integrating diversity and transnational cooperation in partner organisations; - an improved capacity for learning (including evaluation), knowledge management, and communication of new knowledge both within and beyond partner networks; - improved international links with similar or complementary initiatives and networks; - improved connections with the target groups and local and regional authorities; - the fostering of a spirit of European citizenship.
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3 Partners Participants