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Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities, Lithuanian EU Presidency’s Conference (SSH Horizons)
Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

During the Lithuanian EU Presidency Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania) proposes to organize an international conference “Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities“ in Vilnius on 23-24th September, 2013. The Steering Committee of the conference will include distinguished European scientific leaders from different fields of social sciences and humanities, chaired by Professor Helga Nowotny, Professor emeritus of ETH Zurich and currently President of the European Research Council. Prior to the conference a scientifically guided consultation with leading European researchers, universities, research organizations and societies is envisaged. The conference is dedicated to the relations of social sciences and humanities and science / research policy, in particular “Horizon 2020”. The first day of the conference will be organized along three thematic topics: 1) Diversities and Common Grounds, 2) Evaluation and Assessment, 3) Education and Training. Following these topics, the second day of the conference will focus on the questions, what is the role of SSH in “Horizon 2020”, and what capacities are needed to meet the challenges addressed in it? The conference is organized in order to bring together scholars from SSH and other disciplines, business companies and policy makers, industry and media representatives, about 400 people, and work towards a better visibility, integration, and implementation of SSH into science and research policies. Based on the results of the consultation process and conference discussions, a declaration will be prepared. The conference homepage will be developed which will serve not only as the main site for information but will be also used as repository for all documents submitted to the consultation. A special issue in one of the prestigious journals on research policy and extensive media coverage of the conference is foreseen.

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