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Høng Privatskole - en del af Europa. Europa - en del af Høng Privatskole
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Høng Privatskole wishes to create a strong international profile.We wish to set an example in an area where only few others participate in the important European projects.Our school has 179 students in 0th - 9th grade, one class for every grade. The school is situated in a small town in rural area in the community of Kalundborg in western Zeeland. The school is well supported by the parents.11 teachers out of a total of 17 in the staff.We value a safe environment at school and a high academically level of education. We like to see each student as unique and stride to create a setting, in which they can grow self-esteem, understanding and happiness about their own learning process. We encourage them to take responsibility, make their own opinion and be able to express it in a respectful way. In our recent Erasmus+ KA2 partnership project with 7 schools from all over Europe we have got our first experience with international cooperation. During the last 1½ year in the partnership, the number of teacher involved in international work has increased from only a few to the majority of the staff, who now back up the implementation of an international profile for all the school. (In "annexes" you find a Danish version of the profile).It is crucial for a successful implementation of international cooperation that the teacher has positive firsthand experience as well as a reliable network in European schools. This is not just for development of the individual teacher's skills. The important experience in cooperation between countries will be the teacher’s motivation and foundation in planning future lessons and course.Further training and education of the staff is required. For at start up, we need 5 mobilities to strengthen 3 areas:1) We apply for a course in management to our school's international coordinator, who is meant to have a key role in the implementation and organization of the project. The coordinator has a broad scientific foundation and has been responsible for basically all the planning of hosting as well as mobility abroad with students in our first KA2. It is fair to say that the coordinator has a great practical experience, and would benefit from an upgrade in ‘tools’ of management, I order to help other organize and structure their own activities. (Course, Finland July 2016 – 1 person) The school management has appointed the international coordinator.2) In the work with implementing an international profile, Høng Privatskole needs teachers in the creative / practical subjects with an international understanding and networks. Teachers chosen for this exchange are those who have both qualifications and motivation to start up such a network. The exchange is planned with our fantastic partners in our current KA2 project who welcomes our staff at "6th Primary of Pyrgos", Greece. The activities are partly teacher shadowing /monitoring, partly workshop with contributions from both schools. Time is scheduled for serious discussion on didactics and learning styles.(Exchange, Pyrgos, Peloponnese, Greece – 2 persons)3) Strengthening of ITC skills are central to cooperation with current and future partners in other European countries. Høng Privatskole need a few teachers educated in ICT tools, who can introduce the remaining personnel group to the use of Web 2.0 applications. The participants are therefore assumed to have the necessary skills: basic skills in English, ITC and motivation. The activity is both an introduction to, and hands-on experience with applications and platforms. The participants are told to also set a focus on terminology, sharing of knowledge and starting new networks. (Course in Web 2.0 Malta – 2 persons)Methods to create a school with a real international profile must be based on a joint effort.The new knowledge from mobilities should be shared amongst all staff through workshops and conversations.The school's management and the international coordinator tutor anyone who needs when starting up new activities.In all subjects possible, the general school work will have an increased focus on cultural understanding, and specifically European cultures.All students from middle school and up should gain experience in communicating directly with students in other countries, as well as solving tasks together. Class trip abroad must in future be linked with school visits or organized as actual exchanges. The result of the project work will be published in local and social media and through events inside and outside school.The long term goal is providing students at Høng Privatskole a strong cultural understanding. Through knowledge, and understanding of other cultures, they will be urged to put their own in perspective. Becoming conscious about protecting what they value, and constructively seek influence on changing parts that they believe can be done better.
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