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Hoe maken we onze school nog internationaler?
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

How can we prepare our students even better for their future in an international society?In our school we offer many international activities, but they are not yet anchored in our curriculum. That is what we want to focus on in the next couple of years, to make sure that in 7 years time we will be a school in which internationalisation is fully incorporated. To achieve this ambitious goal we have to motivate our colleagues to actively take part in this. The colleagues will be coached and enthused by a team of coordinators Internationalisation, Global Citizenship and ICT who are fully prepared, educated and equipped for this demanding job. Those coordinators are professionals with a wide experience in internationalisation and are open to other cultures and new methodologies. They will qualify themselves during the school year 2016-2017 by means of courses and job shadowing. They will focus on the next points-writing the scenario for the planned renewal of the educational system in our school- the coordination of all the international contacts and projects- the implementation of virtual projects with schools throughout the world to prepare our students to study and work in a globalising society- building and keeping good contacts with our partnerschools. To guarantee the quality of the exchange projects you need to build a solid relationship with your partnerschools en discuss de content, the quality and progression of the projects on a regular basis. Therefore it is also necessary for the coordinators to have excellent lingual and intercultural skills-the internationalisations of the normal lessons and projects, adding some modules in English. The team of coordinators Internationalisation will help and stimulate colleagues to incorporate international aspects in their teaching.- turning the social training into lessons and projects about global awareness to train our students to become global citizens.- using the I-pad is to enrich our way of educating, to make our lessons more meaningful more flexible and to stimulate personalised learning.- guidance, inspiration and a certain amount of control. This is provided by a team of “experts”; a team manager, ICT-coordinator and two teachers, who will be attending this course.The coordinators will work in couples to coach and monitor each other. In addition there will be feedback and coaching on a regular basis by the staff members. This all together has to result in better education for our students, that will do justice to the strong points of our students en will prepare them for their subsequent education and future in a strongly internationally orientated world in which ICT is used on a large scale and people are expected to be global citizens.
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