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HLW TÜRNITZ - Across Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus+project 'HLW Türnitz Across Europe' offers students the possibility to stay in another European country. The students do a placement of 12 weeks in different hotels and restaurants in France, Ireland, Finland and Germany.The participants experience working in a real hotel or restaurant in a foreign country. They get to know the different departments of a hotel (reception, restaurant, cooking, house-keeping) and its organisational structures.The contact with hotel guests teaches them to develop polite customer service skills.A further aim of the project is exploring the tourism industry in the respective areas. The participants visit sights and get to know the country and the inhabitants.Moreover, they improve their foreign language skills.The stay abroad offers the opportunity for the participants to develop their personality.The participants' example encourages more students of HLW Türnitz to take part in such project activities.
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