Search for European Projects

HLW St. Josef abroad
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

23 students who are currently in the third year of their studies at the Institut St. Josef are looking to apply and complete a twelve week internship at a hotel within Europe. The internships take place in the UK, Germany, Malta and Portugal. They start on the 6th June and run until the end of September 2016.Primarily, the goal is for the students to perfect the training they have learnt at school and expand their employability skills at a company in Europe, their aims are as follows:• Further develop and strengthen their practical and theoretical skills in the hotel and gastronomy field.• Personality development, strengthening self-confidence and independence.• Boost teamworking skills and for them to develop a sense of responsibility.• To develop an openness to learn and deal with things both new and foreign.• Expansion of communication skills (general, subject-specific, foreign language)-• Willingness and ability to participate in the labour market outside of Austria’s borders.The management of the project is the responsibility of the coordinator. She is the main contact person who provides all the necessary documents and information, she also checks the information of the students and information given by the companies. Participants are strongly involved in the process, they apply independently – with the help only of the coordinator and language teachers- and organise their stay. Some of these operations are several year old relations and some are new partners with our school. They are informed in writing regarding their applications. Students will receive an employer’s reference from the partners, as well as the Europass Mobility Document.
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7 Partners Participants