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Start date: Jan 8, 2016, End date: Sep 7, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Hinterland" is an international cooperation project worked out and also carried out by a group of youngsters from the island of Texel and Den Helder, in cooperation with the Richter foundation.youngsters. The aim of this multilateral youth-exchange that aim to promote European youngsters´ intercultural communication and cooperation, enterpreneural attitude and active citizenship - in accordance to the Erasmus+ programme objectives. The exchange will takes place on the island of Texel in the Netherlands. We want to invite 5 partners from Serbia, Portugal, Greece, Estonia, Kosovo and host country The Netherlands who are living in the rural area and are involved in youth democracy in their region/school and/or city council. During this 6 day exchange we want to create different workshops. In the workshops, the youngsters work closely together and compare each other situation. With this comparing they try to improve each other situation. In combination with the informal moments, cultural evenings and city tours we want to stimulate social integration between young people who are living in rural area and who are involved in youth participation. And in which an intercultural dialogue about enterpreneurship and active citizenship can take place. The group of coordinating youngsters as well as the target group from the Hinterland partners are all youngsters living in rural areas. Each partner country bring 5 youngsters to the exchange ( a total of 30 young people) with the shared worry about our communities´ perspectives and sustainability. "The theme of “Hinterland” is youth participation and entrepreneurship. We aim to give participants:- a better idea of the youngsters situation in different countries´ rural areas;- a fresh look (from partners with different backgrounds) on each others communities, its benefits and opportunities for future;- a basic know-how and empowerment to be an active community member- share ideas and good examples of sustainable life at country side.We plan to do it by:-getting an insight into the attitude of fellow local youngsters towards their future connection with rural community (local surveys conducted by participants) and comparing with attitudes from partner-countries;- pulling attention towards the merits and value of living in rural community (through various field trips, presentations, workshops and success stories);- assembling ideas and good examples on how to promote (youth) entrepreneurship and make rural areas more sustainable- a field trips to introduce local forms of entrepreneurship, tourism in rural areas and a bike trip to develop teamwork skills.During all the workshop and field trips we mix the groups and will work from the informal learning method. The workshops are designed in such a way that we can see the participants existing knowledge. Participants are encouraged to concentrate on one activity and so doing they sub-consciously or experientially achieve another. The methods we used during the participation workshops include roundtable sessions, group discussions, creativity, question-answer, structured note-taking, one-on-one sessions, brainstorming and feedback. Working with non-formal techniques we want the youngsters to communicate with each other. In this way they learn from each other. Active learning techniques are those, which are participant orientated and task centred, thereby the participants have to educate themselves in the theme of the exchange. Peer education will follow from these active learning techniques: participants can learn from each other, sharing good and bad experiences and different points of view. With organizing “Hinterland” we wish to make a first step in making a world to be a better place - through the developement and sustainability of rural areas, through raising sustainable attitude in people and through valuing rural life by the side of massive urbanisation. The direct impact on the participants is that they can experiment in a safe and non-formal setting in order to gain more knowledge about youth participation and entrepreneurship in practice in different parts of Europe. We hope that the participants will develop a better understanding of being a European citizen that take her/him responsibilities within the world and that that the participants learn more about the cultures of participants from other countries. A major impact on the participants is the awareness on rural entrepreneurship, how to put their efforts into advancing it in order to make them think less about leaving their homes as the "only" or most viable option for their future. We also aim to give them a good idea (with Youthpass) on how they can build their competence and better represent themselves through non-formal education and experience. Another important impact could be the living library and the feedback of the Pitch. Two activities with a high impact value on personal long term development of participants.

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5 Partners Participants