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Highlight the Competences : European cooperation for a system of credit transfer for VET-ECVET, relating competence and professional needs of the cooperative enterprises working in the services sector

In the furrow of Strategy of Lisbon and priorities of Declaration of Copenhagen, the project “Highlight the Competences” rises in context of competence and professional needs of cooperative enterprises working in the services sector (cleaning and logistics services) and find his justification in the exigencies of transformation, modernisation and adjustment of the European VET system for the professional qualification in this sector, with specific reference to the people involved in learning activities outside their own country (as well in the services sector, the appeal of this kind of mobility is nonetheless limited by various factors, in particular the absence of provisions for the transfer, validation and recognition of learning outcomes acquired abroad), to the people in transition from the VET system of the services sector to another or vice versa and to the people in transition from an informal learning situation to a formal training context. In particular, the aim of the project is to promote transparency and comparability of qualifications, transferability, validation and recognition of learning outcomes achieved by individuals in different learning contexts (formal, non-formal and informal), in different countries and at sectoral level, through the transfer of previous innovative contents and results for the development of a European cooperation process based on the four implementation stages of ECVET - European Credit Transfer System for VET. In the perspective EQF and ECVET, the project will particularly permit to the partners the common elaboration of references of activities, of competences and of certification on the crafts identified in the services sector (cleaning and logistics), transferring the European methodology of “Sustainable professionalisation” (validated by the European Commission). The main objectives are: identification and analysis of the targeted user requirements, analysis and selection of the previous innovative contents to meet these requirements, analysis of the feasibility of transfer, adaptation in the specific contexts and transfer and use in the new sector and target groups, including piloting it in public and private training structures. The partnership is composed by the most important representative organisations of the cooperative movement in Italy (Consorzio Nazionale Servizi; Associazione Nazionale delle Cooperative di Servizio e Turismo, Itaca), Spain (Fundación EZAI) and Malta (Apex Coop) and by technical specialised organisations, whether of the VET system of the services sector (Aris Formazione e Ricerca Società Cooperativa in Italy, ZDZ in Poland, Econometrica Ltd in Greece) or with specific know how and experience in the fields of transfer, accumulation and recognition of learning outcomes (public organisation, as the French Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle, and private as the French CRDéveloppement). The main outcomes are a Memorandum of Understanding - MoU for the Establishment of the European Partnerships, a Learning Agreement specifying the learning outcomes expected in units or parts of units and the associated points of credit, the awarding and the recording of the ECVET credits after the assessment of the learning outcomes, and the concrete transfer, validation and accumulation of credits.

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