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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our students from the accommodation management foundation degree have to carry out a compulsory four months'placement in a country of the geographical European union in between their two years of studies. In order to help them we applied for grants from the Erasmus programme. This programme allows us to finance students whose parents do not pay taxes in the PACA region but in another one.The regional students mobility programme is indeed aimed at students whose parents are tax payers here. Many of our students do not originally come from this region.Therefore this year we had 5 students who could benefit from Erasmus grants. They all carried out their placements in the best possible conditions. Most hotels in large European cities nowadays do not provide accommodation for trainees. This means they have to find and pay for accommodation for their four months'placements which can be quite expensive. We intend to renew this programme and extend it to hotel and catering foundation degree students , culinary arts and hotel management, who do not have a compulsory placement abroad but would certainly be encouraged to go if they had some financial help.

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