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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since 2011, AGEFA PME has been leading the Erasmus Consortium dedicated to transversal occupational activities within SME's. It is dedicated to student mobility placements in the framework of two specific degrees the "BTS Management Assistant within SME's" and the "BTS International Trade" which both have a common European standard. The main goals of the consortium are : - To create a network of schools and companies able to offer and foster European mobility thanks to the expertise of each partner - To promote the French education system - To offer work-based learning in Europe for higher education students, this can be a real asset for their learning pathway and future profession. Activities are managed by the 10 partners: mobilisation and information about opportunities and conditions required for student exchanges, preparation of the students (culture, professional, language, travel and accommodation), organisation, monitoring and follow-up of the mobility programmes. These 2-month exchanges are integrated into the curriculum of the two degrees. In 2015, 44 students took part in a European mobility placement within the consortium. Expected results and impact: - To increase the number of student mobility placements and the participation of all HEI members of the consortium thanks to the mutualisation of Erasmus grants - A high level of student satisfaction after their Erasmus exchange - To make accessing European exchange opportunities easier for students in initial VET, including the most disadvantaged - To implement efficient and transferable tools within the consortium - To improve the relationship between education establishments and companies at a European level and continue to develop the cooperation between both worlds; education and business - To promote the recognition of learning outcomes and encourage further studies within the higher education European space - To strengthen the VET European system

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