Search for European Projects

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the frame of its yearly project – target 1 : European and international mobility – our school tries to establish partnerships with foreign catering and hospitality counterparts in order for students to carry out a company internship there. Mastering foreign languages remains a priority before the mobility so that a student may be in a capacity to answer the needs of the clientele and the company. To that regard language assistants within the school permit practical, oral situations that lead to undeniable progress in oral skills. Also, co-teaching classes from both English/Spanish teachers and hospitality teachers contribute to the same goal of language fluency improvement in a professional context. This year, from April to July 2016, 18 first-year BTS students in catering and hospitality from the Lycee Guillaume Tirel, Paris (75014), travelled to Belgium, Poland, Spain and England along with a teacher whose task was to accompany them on the premises, meet the professionals in order to create links and help define a lasting strategy concerning the contents and objectives of the internship, which were linguistic, cultural and professional. In the hotels the students all occupied positions suited to their profiles, whether it be in reception, room-service or restaurant service. During their internships, they carried out tasks in reception, hospitality, food service, goods and services sales, and company management. This professional immersion in a foreign country was a very rich experience that developed both their expertise and inter-personal skills. It allowed them to acquire more autonomy and responsibility, to make progress in a foreign language and to discover another culture. To that end the Europass is an acknowledgement of the update and improvement of their skills through cultural exchange, and a renowned benefit for their CV. After the individual interview with teachers dealing with overseas relations, their BTS section colleagues and the headmaster as they returned to school, it was easy to assess the main long-term benefits of the experience : awareness of the importance of mastering foreign languages in the hospitality industry ; discovery of another culture ; discovery of working methods of a different kind ; satisfaction of being able to make it on one's own during 4 months away from the family.

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