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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

UCT Prague has been involved in the project from its very beginning and evaluates its activites as being very beneficial for both the University itself and its students and academic and non-academic staff. Participants´ mobilities contributes a lot to the UCT Prague internationalisation strategy which involves support of as many students and staff mobilities abroad as possible. The possibility to spend a study/work period abroad brings the sending university a unique opportunity to compare itself with the outside world and take necessary steps for improvement if necessary. All the mobilites helped the University to deepen existing cooperation with partner universities as well as develop cooperation with new institutions, cooperation has been extended both in terms of its contents and geographically. Cooperation has been newly developed with universities in Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia and the Baltic countries, which offer new study fields in English to their exchange students and these might be more attractive for our outgoing students. UCT Prague is delighted with interest of some partner universities in development of double degree studies which we have managed to prepare both administratively and technically with a French partner in Rennes in this project period. Other universities in Italy and Germany also expressed their interest in this type of cooperation. There were more students taking part in mobilities for studies than in the previous project period. Generally all types of mobilities attracted more participants than expected which proves larger awareness of the importance and benefits of stays abroad. Mobilities for studies were mainly used by students of Bachelor and Master degree programmes while PhD students were mostly sent out for traineeships. Scandinavia, Belgium, German-speaking countries and Italy were among the most popular destinations of student mobilities. Staff used most the University Erasmus contacts in France, some have newly travelled to Baltic countries. There were a number of staff members who participated in the project for the first time. A new mobility online system individually arranged by the UCT Prague has been implemented and proved to be very helpful in mobility administration. All mobility participants improved their language skills, developed personal qualities and professional knowledge and helped the University to have more content students and staff members, inspiration, new contacts and possibilities for further cooperation in new educational and research areas. The aim of the UCT Prague is to further support international experience of its students and staff members, search for realiable and high-quality partners, development of existing partnership in and outside of Europe and extension of the offer of double degree study programme and cotutelle.

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