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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The context/background of the project: In the period 2015/2016, collaboration with tertiary education institutions holding the ECHE providing education in the field of contemporary dance and dance theatre was established. In the framework of the student mobility, conservatory students participated in internship stays - a part of the conservatory curriculum in theri sixth year. The present Erasmus+ program opportunities made it possible for the conservatory to secure a number of workshops with invited dance teachers and performing artists from renowned institutions. Thus the already existing relations based on bilateral agreements could be further extended – apart from collaborating with Fontys Dance Academy, Tilburg, NL, Escola Superior de Danca, Lisabon, P, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, B, VŠMU, Bratislava, Sk and ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem, NL, - to Accademia Nazionale di Danza, Roma, I, and negotiations for the next program period with Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Köln, D could begin. The aim of the project: The permanent aim of the project, which is to provide higher classes students with the opportunity to become part of an international artistic community and spend their internship in leading educational institutions, as much as to broaden their knowledge of cultural activities within EU and their EU awareness, has been further strengthened by a new aspect: the mobility of KDC teachers to the above institutions, and, in particular, by inviting dance teachers and performing artists from other parts of EU. The participants – their number and profile: Five teaching staff members participated in the mobility program within the year 2015/2016 and one student in the autumn semester 2015/2016. The participant’s profile: The students are selected in accordance with the conservatory school rules as defined in “The criteria for international exchange”. KDC management is responsible for their selection which is then approved by the conservatory director. The following criteria must be fulfilled and adhered to: 1. Study results, such as passing the maturita exam, completion of initial stages of their thesis which the students further develop during their internship and adequate foreign language level - a prerequisite for their participation in the overall educational program in the given institution. 2. Personal and artistic profile of participants must comply with the requirements and demands for university studies abroad. The selection of teaching staff both outgoing and incoming must be in compliance with the conservatory curriculum as defined by the Framework Educational Program, further elaborated in the School Educational Program. The final decision lies with the conservatory director. Description of the specific activities: 1. Student mobility: an internship was planned for three sixth-year students, yet just the stay of Anita Bánhegyi at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, B took place. The other two planned student mobilities had to be cancelled due to serious family reasons (death of the father and subsequent complicated family situation resolution) in one case and personal and existential reasons in the second one. 2. Staff and performing artists’ mobility: it concerned the stay of two KDC staff members in Accademia Nazionale di Danza, Roma, I, and at VŠMU, Bratislava, Sk respectively and three incoming mobilities of performing artists from Slovakia, Germany and Italy which involved workshops with the contents specified in relevant agreements prior to their stay. The achieved results and their impact: 1. Anita Bánhegyi obtained excellent results and achieved the desired number of credits. She was proposed an opportunity to continue in the BA programme of the Royal Conservatoire, Antwerp. 2. The outgoing teaching staff members were invited by the respective contractual parties thanks to their reputation and pedagogical qualities to lead workshops on contemporary dance and thecreative process methodology. The invited artists enriched the KDC study program by several new approaches to creation and choreography (e.g. BMC: body-mind centering). An excellent choreographer and dancer Jiří Bartovanec, currently with Sasha Waltz group in Berlin, accepted the invitation. He prepared and staged, with the students, The Rite of Spring (music by Igor Stravinsky), a choreography which the conservatory presented in a number of festivals and dance platforms. The long-term contribution: In our view, the greatest long-term contribution consists in commencing collaboration with further institutions in both: the student mobility implementation and, in particular, in enriching the conservatory study program with workshops lead by teaching staff and performing artists from abroad who come up with new trends and view of contemporary dance. Meeting the mobility participants produces also a strong motivational on KDC students as a verification of the importance of becoming part of the international dance community.

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