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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IHM is a private company,It has no faculties, administrative activities are centralised. IHM signed new interinstitutional agreements with Greek, French,Croatian and Austrian schools. IHM prefers quality to quantity regarding to its international partners. Within 2015-2016 project, IHM worked with 14 partner institutions and 7 hotel companies. IHM prefers direct cooperation with hotel companies and their managements to ensure the required quality of placements. IHM has concentrated mainly on cooperation with hotel and tourism schools , in the field of placements with hotels or restaurants: that is specifically with private sector. In 2015-2016 project participated 44 students and 9 teachers. IHM sent 23 students for study mobility and 21 for placement mobility. IHM hosted also 21 students from our partner schools and 6 teachers + staff. Teachers exchanges are expected to bring new contacts, new research activities, project competencies and firstly to inspire the students for a mobility.

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