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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The context of this project Erasmus is registered within the framework of the compulsory internships registered on the reference table of TWO-YEAR TECHNICAL DEGREES Hotel business the Restoration and the TWO-YEAR TECHNICAL DEGREES Rooms division manager first year. The BTSRH has to make their internship necessarily in an European country. This internship is of a duration of 14 weeks minimum, it has for objective to confront the students with the professional reality in every types of hotel establishments, the luxury hotel in the hotel business of tourism. The students according to their orientation occupied posts(post offices) which affect(touch) the pure catering, cook, restoring or posts which cover all which concerns the accommodation, the reception and the floors. The profile of 16 participants is identical because all did the same initial training course at the hotel high school before this departure in internship. The experiences in internship are as for them function of the commitment and the investment of the on-the-spot student, the objective of career that settled. In the long term, these experiences in Europe allows them to open on the world and to envisage European careers even International.
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