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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since its establishment the Università Iuav di Venezia has developed its international academic activities with the aim of improving the quality of education by adapting its action to the principles of free teaching and research, of circulation of knowledge and expertise, aware of the social role of higher education. By recognizing to be a member of the EHEA and use EU principles and tools, Iuav has promoted international characterization of its didactic programs and developed international networks with universities in European countries which have allowed the enrichment of curricula through the exchange of students, teachers, administrative people and the use of languages other than Italian.The above action is also aimed to foster relations with foreign public and private institutions for the inclusion of its students and recent graduates in the civil society and in the labour market. The project involved the mobility of, 211 students of 1st and 2nd cycle, 91 trainees among whom even 36 recent graduates and 1 phd, 7 teachers with different length of service and 8 administrative technicians from different Iuav facilities such as international relations, communication, library services,research services, accountancy, management, lifelong education. The different types of participants show that Iuav invests in learning/teaching/training opportunities through mobility for all members of its community.For the implementation of mobility agreements and letters of intent with partners were signed after careful check by the pro-chancellors, the tutors and the staff of the International Relations Service: they checked that the partners’educational proposals could be compatible with Iuav’s ones. The Iuav network of partners has more than 150 European public and private institutions. The Iuav IRS prepared and published calls for the mobility of students, trainees, doctoral students, recent graduates, teachers and staff.The selection of students took into account the academic and linguistic knowledge, moreover the selection for internship mobility also foresaw letter and/or motivational interviewing. Staff candidates were evaluated on the basis of education and training programs proposed to be agreed with the host institution The calls supported the participation of disabled and economically disadvantaged people.After the selection the Iuav IRS proceeded so that the winners were accepted by host institutions and also proceeded to the payment of grants after their arrival. At the same time Iuav IRS accepted incoming nominations and provided useful information to prepare their arrival at the University. A welcome day per semester was organized with the support of buddies and the presence of non-EU incomings from other mobility programs for a real integration in the university and in an international and inspiring city as Venezia. Outgoings and incomings had a tutoring service before and during the mobility through the educational tutor responsible for the respective bilateral agreement/letter of intent.The students/trainees with the help of the tutors elaborated learning agreements or learning agreements for traineeship which were approved by host organizations before the arrival: these agreements included adequate learning choices pursuing learning outcomes coherent with those expected in the course of study the students/trainees belonged. Immediately there was the guarantee that the credits earned according to LA or LAT were recognized and transferred to meet the curriculum requirements for the title. Credits acquired were transferred to the career of outgoing students/trainees according to LA/LAT, changes and if they were certified in Transcript of Records or Transcript of Work..Free ToR were handed to incomings. By obtaining the degree titles, students will have their mobility experiences certified in the Diploma Supplement. The teachers and administrative staff have agreed a programme before leaving, as for professors the programme concerned the contents of the teaching abroad, as for the latter it was about the best practices to be learned in the host institution. The knowledge and the soft skills acquired by the participants during the mobility and through the exchange and the comparison with European universities are the results and impact of the project. Indeed they experienced different training programmes which were, innovative and complementary to Iuav’s ones so that they are ready for working in the actual labor market which has both local and global aspects. Consequently, the characterization of Iuav within a network of European public and private institutions is an enrichment of the educational opportunities in favor of the regional, national and international community.The long-term benefits arising from the realization of this project consist of a constant process of innovation and renovation as dependent on direct interaction with the various European higher education/training systems

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