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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Several measures have been taken to ensure a high quality and a strong internationalization process to improve the links between education, research and job opportunities in Europe and in the extra Eu countries. Aware of the importance of internationalization possible thanks to projets like Erasmus+ the University of Udine has invested additional financial and human resources to increase mobility flows for both students and staff. The University of Udine promotes international mobility since the first recruiting steps (open days, fairs, meeting with students) to enhance the awareness of the real added value of mobility as a tool for changing society and for academic background development. To maximize the efficiency of the internationalization action, each Department of the University of Udine creates, according to the general policy, a specific approach to reach general targets defined by administration. This gives Departments the possibility and the opportunity to choose partners that appear the best complement with the local curricula in terms of quality of teaching, services (libraries, laboratories, contact with local companies, etc.) and opportunities for students and staff. This “federative” strategy is chosen to obtain the best practices in different fields and countries and to offer students the best possible opportunities in their field of studies. Coherently to the strategy focused on quality, the best students are selected for mobility for both study and traineeship and attention is put on learning agreements and traineeship certificate outputs. A process of agreements reviewing started last year and it is still active with the aim to select those which are the best for the students and staff. A strong work has been done to make clear vote transfer system. It has been produced for all bachelor and master courses a ECTS Grading Table set up to percentage vote distribution following the European Commission Guide and this year we have updated all the vote distribution percentage according to the vote results of the last two years. It has been started a pilot project for the online Learning Agreement drawing up. This innovation started with the Linguistic Department will give to our organization two important benefits: administrative streaming and cutback of didactic LA recognition process according to European Commission recommendations. The University of Udine has adopted a specific strategy, as indicated in our EPS strategy, due to its peculiar geographical border area. We have settled particular collaborations with neighbor universities in Austria and Slovenia that led to the development of several double degrees so to increase the attractiveness of the Alpe Adria Area. In the last two years, the number of students involved in mobility flows related to double degree courses has considerably increased. As a result of the strong international policy adopted the University of Udine has increased mobility flows despite the social and economic awkward situation. As for the number/ profile of participants mobility flows are relevant in the language area but there are mobility flows in others study areas: engineering, economics, ITC and many others.

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