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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

International mobility is highly recommended to Bocconi studenta and interest on students' side has increased significantly in the years. As a consequence, and in accordance to our EPS and Strategic Plan 2016-2020, alliances with top HEIs, in the fields of management, economics, finance and law are sought for or expanded, based on the criteria of high academic quality. Such partnerships are aimed at providing opportunities to students primarily at the BSc and MSc level, through collaboration on student mobility or joint/double degree programs. Through different formats, these agreements ensure an extended exposure of students to the partner schools academic and corporate environment. Study abroad opportunities not only expose students to qualified academic environments, they also introduce them to new cultural, social and economic contexts giving them the tools needed to understand, access and compete on multiple job markets. Traineeships are credit granting activities (mandatory for the MSc and highly recommended for the BSc and for the Integrated Master of Arts in Law), but they do not need to be abroad in order to be recognized in students’ study plan. Nevertheless, an increasing number of students seeks training opportunities in a foreign country. Bocconi is committed to further enhance the number of students and graduates taking work experiences abroad. Bocconi Strategic Plan 2016-2020 includes in its objectives the increase of international exposure of students, in terms of both study abroad opportunities (Erasmus SMS, exchange, double degrees, etc.) and international internships/Erasmus SMP (see “Description of the Project” section). In 2015-2016 Bocconi was able to expand its network of HEIs, adding 37 SMS destinations worldwide of which 12 adhering to the Erasmus+ network and was confirmed first among PIM (Partnership in International Management) Business Schools for the number of international opportunities offered to its students. In the same academic year, international internships/traineeship kept increasing too. Erasmus+ allowed promotion of high level students exchange, resulting in a raised interest in the Erasmus+ destinations and allowing 667 students to complete an Erasmus mobility for studies. In order to facilitate Erasmus mobility, the study plan structure of our undergraduate degrees was modified favoring linguistic preparation, anticipating languages. Starting from 2014-2015 a.y., Bocconi moved the English curricular exam from the second to the first year study plan and the second language course from the third to the second year. These changes have the goal to ensure a stronger linguistic preparation for our Erasmus students that will start their mobility during the third year (from 2016-2017 onwards). In addition, 2015-2016 Bocconi shortened the academic calendar: the second semester ends in May, instead of June/July. The new schedule better fits our partners’ calendars, and resulted in a significant increase of incoming exchange and Erasmus students. It also favored the increase of traineeship opportunities during the Summer. A stronger linguistic preparation, the offer of courses delivered in English and a more flexible academic calendar, prepare our students to their Erasmus mobility and increase attractiveness for incoming Erasmus and regularly enrolled students that participate in classes and in campus life. This condition creates a dynamic and international environment that favors a cross-cultural approach, cultural interchange, stimulate comparison and recognition of likeminded and complementary cultures. The interest in international traineeship has raised as for study periods abroad. Erasmus+ helped students take advantage of traineeship opportunities in foreign job markets, thus further enhancing their preparation to work in an international environment. Erasmus+ trainees share the same benefits of their peers studying abroad in terms of cross-cultural approach and soft skills development. Widening its network with new European corporate partners and strengthening the relations with the existing ones is crucial for Bocconi to maintain a leading position within the European higher education scenario and confirm the strong links with the business community. In addition, an increased exposure of Bocconi students to traineeships abroad enhances the chances of future international placement. At this time, 25,5% of our graduates are employed abroad, one year after graduation, mainly in Europe. This figure has constantly increased in the last 5 years, allowing Bocconi to develop a solid network of alumni working in Europe, in all industries, thus further improving ties with the European business community.
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